My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Source: Received to Review
Genre: LDS Inspirational
Book Description: What difference does it make to have the light of the gospel in your life? To a twelve-year-old girl in post-World War II Germany, it made all the difference.
In this charming book, Sister Harriet R. Uchtdorf reflects on the power of heavenly light in her own life and recalls the joy it brought to her family during a dark and difficult time. "It was like a miracle," she explains as she describes how hope came back into their lives.
Discover how the light we share can make a life-changing difference to those whose lives we touch-as family members, leaders, missionaries, teachers, friends, and brothers and sisters in the gospel.
My thoughts: This is a beautiful book on the power of faith and belief in Christ.
Sister Harriet Uchtdorf shares her experience of how life plans change. She talks about her husband becoming an Apostle for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. They were planning on returning to Germany when he was finished with a church assignment. They looked forward to returning home and spending time with their grandchildren. In 2009 their plans changed as they devoted their time and talents to his apostleship.
She shares her conversion story. She has dealt with many heartaches, but has strong faith in the Lord. I enjoyed reading her testimony and learning more about her life. Her husband has become one of my favorite speakers because of his testimony and the way he eloquently speaks. This book showed me how well they compliment each other. She has a beautiful testimony.
This book is short and sweet. It is a book to read when you have a moment to contemplate and a desire to learn of other's experiences and testimony.
I love this. I love reading stories from the Apostles wives! They always have such a great insight! I cannot wait to get my hand on this!