My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Genre: Religion, Inspirational
Source: Received to Review
Book Description: Christianity is facing great opposition. At the very least, most Christians know what it is like to end up on the "wrong" side of a "politically correct" conversation. More than ever before, we need believing and behaving disciples- men and women who are ready to stand up, stand together, and change the world one righteous choice at a time.
Filled with personal experiences and heartwarming stories, this book emphasizes the importance of living in accordance with Christian values seven days a week and offers practical suggestions for how to
actually pull it off. In addition to finding personal peace and having a positive impact on others, choosing to live as a daily disciple opens the door for tremendous personal development.
My thoughts: I love fiction books, if you were to look at my "read" shelf, you would see it full of books that have given me hours of entertainment. While I try to live my religion on a daily basis, I admit that there is a fear inside me of rejection. What if I review religious books? Will I offend someone?
I began to realize that it is more important for me to read and review the books, not just for me to find strength, but to stand up for my beliefs and let other's know there are wonderful books that can entertain as well as uplift my spirit.
I found myself caught up in this book from the Introduction. Brad Wilcox begins with the history of Christianity. I found the story of Constantine fascinating. He recounts the persecution of the early believers of Christ, and how we are now facing a time when it is becoming increasingly unpopular to be a Christian. It forced me to take a closer look at the fears I mentioned above. Who and what do I value?
This book is written in a way that is very appealing. Brad Wilcox shares stories to illustrate his points. There are 10 chapters. Some of the titles that I found the most compelling are #3 Never Check Your Religion At the Door, #6 Facing Our People Fears, #9 Standing Together, #10 The Core of Christianity. Those are the titles that stood out to me, but each chapter can be taken and applied to life to help us strive to live our religion more fully and openly.
In chapter 2, titled Anyone Can Write a Story, I dog eared page 30. He states " Integrity fears no hidden cameras. The actions that count the most in life are those seen by the fewest people. We feel peace when we know that the size of our audience makes no difference to the quality of our performance. The every-day Christian acts seen only by Christ are usually the ones that make us most like Him." On page 87 in Chapter 7, Seven Days of Re-Creation, another quote stuck out to me. "Choosing to be a 7-day Christian is choosing to be changed."
This is a book that I needed. In January I sent my son to Chile to serve a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I decided at that time that I needed to face my fears and choose to change. This book has helped me put my feet more firmly on that path.
Thank you, Brad Wilcox, for a wonderful book that helps me see the need for change and firm my desire to do better.
I will continue to read fiction books. I will begin to read more books that will help me in my eternal path too. Life is too short to be afraid and not true to oneself or core beliefs.

This sounds like an awesome book. I have seen it on a few blogs, and I love his "never check your religion at the door". That is something I have to tell my kids all the time. Stand up for what you believe even if it means you will be a lone. Great review. Thanks for sharing! I hope your son is doing well :)