A Tale of Many Review Book Tour's is bringing us a blog tour for a YA book. The book is "Cicada" by Belle Whittington. Check out the information below to find out more about the book!

We get a sneak peak at what a twitter conversation may be between the characters! (It's always amazing what can/can't be said in abbreviated words and hashtags.)
@BugDoc (Everett F.)
@Equestrian (Blair R.)
@AndrewR (Andrew R.)
@WillisWildKat (David H.)
@CheerGirl (Natalie)
@Sprinkles (Mom)
AndrewR: @BugDoc @Equestrian @WillisWildKat @CheerGirl Burgers at the Sonic in 1 hour?
WillisWildKat: @AndrewR Sounds good to me. I’ll be the one in the cement truck! #WTF?
Equestrian: @AndrewR Can you pick me up from Grandpa’s?
BugDoc: @AndrewR I’ll walk over from work. Give me a ride home later?
AndrewR: @BugDoc No problem. Gotta pick up @Equestrian at the ranch
CheerGirl: @AndrewR Meet y’all there!
WillisWildKat: @CheerGirl Need a ride, babe? #Love
CheerGirl: @WillisWildKat Sorry…gotta pick up cap and gown. Have to meet you there :-(
Sprinkles: Sweeten your morning with Sprinkles! Pick up two-for-one cupcakes tomorrow! #BestCupcakesinTX
BugDoc: @AndrewR @Equestrian @WillisWildKat @CheerGirl I’m here at the Sonic. I’ll hold our favorite stall.
Equestrian: @BugDoc We’re almost there, Bug Boy!
CheerGirl: @BugDoc: @AndrewR @Equestrian @WillisWildKat Be there in five mins
AndrewR: @WillisWildKat Dude! That truck is HUGE! #WTF?
BugDoc: @AndrewR @WillisWildKat That’s perfect to hide the bodies with instead of throwing them in the lake! ROFLMAO!
CheerGirl: @BugDoc Don’t be stupid! #dork
WillisWildKat: Omnomnom… Good hamburger… #Food
AndrewR @WillisWildKat: WTF were those things, dude? #AlienInvasion
WillisWildKat @AndrewR: No idea. Gotta go get a new bat, though. Tore mine up on ‘em! #SwingHard
AndrewR @WillisWildKat: Did you bury it in the woods?
WillisWildKat @AndrewR: Ain’t nobody finding it. #Shhh
CheerGirl @Equestrian: How is he doing?
Equestrian @CheerGirl: Bad. Really bad. #Heartbroke
Sprinkles: We are closed until further notice. So sorry to miss you all for coffee in the mornings.
CheerGirl @Equestrian: Where did all the fire come from?
Equestrian @CheerGirl: Don’t know. Haven’t left hospital in days. What’s going on?
AndrewR @Equestrian: Hang tight, sis. I’m on my way to the hospital to give you a break.
WillisWildKat @Equestrian @AndrewR @CheerGirl: Me and Natalie are coming, too. #bffaa
Equestrian @Wildkat @CheerGirl @Andrew: It will do him good for y’all tome come see him.
AndrewR @Equestrian: Has he woke up yet?
Equestrian @AndrewR: No L But there are some things I need to tell you about when you get here.
CheerGirl @Equestrian: See you soon. Bringing you a chocolate shake. <3 #bffaa
Belle Whittington’s social networking sites:
Website: www.bellewhittington.com
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/AuthorofCicada
- Kindlegraph (for free e-book autographs): http://www.kindlegraph.com/books?utf8=%E2%9C%93&search=Cicada
See the Trailer!
Follow the Tour:
CICADA Tour Schedule
Click here to see the full participant list...
Where can you purchase the book?
There will be 12 ebook copies given away on this tour. Enter for one of the 12 using the rafflecopter form below. This is international.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
There is also a grand prize giveaway. It will be a firefly in a jar. (The next book is "Firefly") ** video of the jar here.** This will be a US only giveaway. Use the rafflecopter form to enter.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
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ReplyDeleteMany thanks to the lovely Lisa for hosting me on your lovely blog today and for participating in this awesome fun tour! And many warm thanks to the wonderful readers who have stopped by to read the twitter convo between my characters! Y'all are the reason I write!
Sounds like a cool book!
Thank you for the review (and the giveaway)
ReplyDeleteThank you for the review and the giveaways. The book sound fantastic and who wouldn't love a firefly?!?!?
ReplyDeleteI love the twitter exchange between the characters in the book. It makes it so real. It really sounds like it's going to be a good series. Thanks for the great giveaways.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the great giveaway!