My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Source: Purchased
Genre: Christian Historical Romance
Published: September 2012
Book Description: Michigan, 1883
In Her Darkest Hours, Is He the Man She Needs?
Lily Young longs to find her lost sister or will die trying. Heedless of any danger, she searches logging camps and towns, posing as a photographer's assistant. And then she arrives in Harrison, Michigan--and the sights of Connell McCormick.
Connell is determined to increase the fortune of his lumber-baron father and figures as long as he's living an upright life, that's what matters. But when Lily arrives in town she upends his world, forcing him to confront the truth that dangerous men have gained too much power while good men turn a blind eye.
Vexing but persuasive, Lily soon secures Connell's help, drawing them ever closer to each other. Will standing for what's right cost them both everything?
My thoughts; This book is set in the 1800's in Michigan. Lily travels from logging camp to logging camp in desperate search for her sister who has entered into a life of prostitution in a brothel somewhere. The problem is locating where she is and then rescuing her.
Lily has a strong sense of what is wrong and right. She is firm in her beliefs and will do anything to help out another person in need. Her strong character gets her into many scrapes. Fortunately, Connell is nearby. He watches her and protects here when she gets over her head in her escapades.
This book deals with some unsavory moral issues. The argument is posed on the rights of the women taken into prostitution and the rights of the logging companies to provide entertainment for their workers. From my point of view, there isn't an argument, I am for the rights of the girls, but times were different then and unfortunately girls were not valued as much as they are today.
The romance between Connell and Lily is sweet. They are a good fit for each other. Together they are able to temper the other into seeing reason and acting responsibly. Lily is not know for thinking things through before acting.
The book deals with real moral issues. Lily has a strong Christian background and uses her faith to help her get through tough situations.
This sounds interesting. When it comes to reading historical things and women's rights I always feel strongly, like you I'm all for women's rights. Sometimes reading about how things used to be is hard. Thanks for your review! I will have to look up this book.