My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Source: Received eBook to Review
Genre: Christian Romance
Book Description: Becky Sawyer’s life unravels in a single day. Not only does she catch her boyfriend, the man she hoped to marry, lip-locked with another woman, she also receives the gut-wrenching news that her grandfather, the man who raised her, is dying. His last wish? To see her happily married. Heartbroken, Becky seeks inspiration in the pages of the Holy Scriptures. And finds it in the story of Isaac and Rebekah.
If love couldn't keep his parents together, Luke Masterson wonders what will make a marriage last. He decides to steer clear of all women—especially crazy ones like Becky Sawyer, who employs a friend to find her a husband. But when he feels the dogged promptings of the Holy Spirit to move across the country and marry a complete stranger, it seems love has little to do with it anyway.
With commitment their only foundation, and love constantly thwarted, can an arranged marriage find happiness in the twenty-first century?
My thoughts: Becky has a problem. Her boyfriend just cheated on her and she needs a groom pronto. Her grandfather is dying of leukemia and wants to see her married. Knowing there isn't much time she turns to the scriptures and comes across the story of Rebekah and Isaac. That is her solution. She needs to find a worthy man who she could grow to love. She entrusts her best friend to find her the man. If you don't have your BFF to watch your back, who do you have?
Luke is a good man who feels compelled to listen to the Becky's plight. He is intrigued, but it isn't until he starts to feel promptings of his own that he listens to voice of the Spirit and takes a leap of faith to become the groom.
Becky and Luke have chemistry, but they have a lot of miscommunication and struggles to overcome to find peach and happiness. I enjoyed both characters, but something about the story and their situation just didn't click with me. It is an enjoyable story. There were parts were it seemed to drag and other's where it seemed a little rushed. The pacing didn't distract from the overall feel of the story. I absolutely loved the message that you can choose to love. The theme behind the book is perfect!
This is a Christian fiction story. It is clean.
Purchase a copy at:
could do that to me?”
don’t scold a dying man, Rebekah Anne.”
no more dying than I am.” Oh, how I wished that were true, but the
evidence lay before me in that hospital bed. At least he was looking
better and no longer required the use of an oxygen mask.
here, sugar.” Poppy patted an empty spot on the bed next to him.
“Tell me about your fella.”
propped my hip on the mattress and took Poppy’s hand in mine.
would you like to know?” I asked, trying to keep the trepidation
out of my voice. I had no intention of telling Poppy a bold-faced
lie, but I also didn’t plan on telling him the complete truth. I
was walking a fine line, which was why I’d hoped this conversation
wouldn’t take place.
did you two meet?”
introduced us a while back.” As in, two weeks ago. Over the phone.
Being vague was not lying.
did you know you were in love with him?”
swallowed hard. Love? This would be a tricky one to answer. “Does
anyone ever know the exact moment they fall in love?” Answering a
question with a question seemed the safest bet.
did he propose?”
a question I could answer for real. I smiled. Even though Luke had
just proposed yesterday, with all the events that took place since
then, it felt like forever ago. When I’d first asked Lisa to find
me an “Isaac,”
I thought having someone propose to me was something else I was
giving up. But I was wrong.
he took me to a restaurant”—no reason to tell him it was the
diner—“and in front of everyone”—about five people— “got
down on one knee and asked me to marry him.”
caught Poppy staring at me, and the pressure on my hand increased.
you happy, sweetheart? You sure this is what you want to do? You and
James just broke up not that long ago.”
tried not to blink. Or twitch. Tried not to gulp down the saliva that
was gathering in my mouth, or wipe away the sweat beginning to form
on my palms. Nothing that would give me away. How could I tell him I
wasn’t sure? That I had only met Luke the day before, and even
though I felt God’s guidance, there was still a sinking sensation
in the pit of my stomach? That my chest felt like it was in an
ever-tightening vise, and I couldn’t take a full breath? That I was
scared spit-less, but I was doing it all because of him? For him.
could never say any of that, so I plastered on what I hoped was a
believable smile and a lovesick expression.

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"The Isaac Project" sounds like a beautiful & emotional read.