Sunday, September 18, 2011

Review of Shades of Magic

Shades of MagicShades of Magic by K. D. Wilson

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Source: Member Giveaway at Library Thing
Genre: Fantasy (Lies somewhere between adult and YA)

Description from GoodreadsThe day Edgar is initiated as a wizard's apprentice he finds out that magic may be fading from existence. With very little training, he must journey with his uncle and master, Magnus, to uncover the source of the magical disturbances before it's too late.

When Adelaide took an apprentice job with a local herbalist, she never dreamed that the herb shop was merely a front for a secret magical lair. Women aren't allowed to use magic in the kingdom of Chadwick, but that hasn't stopped Addy's master, Hestia, from secretly performing magic anyway. Addy learns all about the different shades of magic, and the punishment of death that awaits any woman caught using the craft.

When The Ancient Fellowship charges Magnus and Edgar with researching the loss of magic, their investigation leads them to a small herbal shop where Edgar and Adelaide discover the vast history shared by their masters. They embark on an adventure to try and salvage the very fabric of magic itself.

Shades of Magic is a story of self discovery and love.

My thoughts: This is a fantasy tale of magic, wizards, dragons, councils, talking cats, druids, and mermaids. (Hopefully I got it all in there.)

Edgar is apprenticed to his uncle, the great wizard Magnus. He is thrilled with the lifestyle and role that he is to play in his life. Being a wizard and travelling is more exciting than living in a city and settling down. The girl who he has had an eye on for years is finally paying attention to him because of his elevated status as a wizard apprentice. There is no zing and that relationship falls flat before it begins.

We meet Adelaide, she is apprenticed to the herbalist, Hestia. Women are not allowed to have magical abilities. It is illegal. Adelaide is taken to a ball and while being kissed exhibits magical abilities. Major problems and cover up are in order.  There are two, possibly three romantic interests for Adelaide at the beginning of the story.  But when she shows magical abilities, her life changes and so do her prospects.

The paths of Edgar, Adelaide, Magnus and Hestia converge when they work together to help the magic of the kingdom. There are several sparks that begin to fly and not all of them are magical. Well, love could be considered magical.

Overall, this is a very fun story. The language is simple and easy to follow. The character and plot development could have used some polishing. If you want a light read this is a great book.

I do  have a content warning.  While this story is simple and almost whimsical, there are a few sexual situations that are not described, just present.

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