Tuesday, September 6, 2016

A Place for Miss Snow by Jennifer Moore + tour giveaway

A Place for Miss Snow by Jennifer  MooreA Place for Miss Snow by Jennifer Moore
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Source: Received from the Publisher to Review
Genre: Regency Romance

Book Description:  Miss Diana Snow is everything a British chaperone should be—she finds satisfaction in order and depends wholly upon the rules of decorum as she negotiates the isle of Greece with her young charge. But Miss Snow's prim and proper exterior masks a disquieting past: orphaned and alone in the world, she has only her stiff upper lip to rely on. When a brief encounter with a handsome stranger challenges her rules of propriety, Diana is unwittingly drawn into an adventure that will turn her ordered world upside down.

Alexandros Metaxas is a Greek spy working to recruit individuals to the cause of revolution. His mission seems to be going perfectly until he encounters Diana Snow, a captivating—if slightly cold—beauty. When their paths cross again, the ill-fated reunion threatens all Alex has been fighting for. But more importantly, it places Diana's life in jeopardy. There is only one way to save her: they must put themselves at the mercy of the most powerful pirate family in the Mediterranean. Soon, Diana is plunged into a fantastic world of gypsy curses, blood feuds, and unexpected romance. But when a bitter vendetta places her in mortal danger, will she have the courage to fight for life and love?

My thoughts: I love that this is a Regency Romance that is set in Greece. This book has a rich history that I was unaware of. During this time period the Turks had control of Greece, it shows how little I know of world history. I loved getting to know the culture and history.

Miss Diana Snow is a chaperone for the young daughter of a British inspector-general. She is an orphan and her opinion is considered beneath the nobles she serves. A chance meeting with Alexandros Metaxas takes her on an adventure as a hostage, heroine, friend, and a member of a family. I really liked Diana. She is a woman who has adapted to her circumstances and survived by keeping her feelings close. She has erected an emotional shell that few can get beyond.

One of the characters was a person in history. Petrobey Mavromichalis was a leader. It was fascinating to learn of the Greek hierarchy and their form of local government. The book provided entertainment and education.

The romance in this book is slow and sweet. Diana and Alex do not want to get into a relationship. They do not want to fall in love. The time is bad for him and she doesn't want to be hurt. They share some sweet stolen kisses and longing glances.

This is a clean romance with kissing and non-graphic violence.

Purchase Links:

Jennifer  Moore
About the Author: (taken from Goodreads)  Jennifer Moore is a passionate reader and writer of all things romance due to the need to balance the rest of her world, which includes a perpetually traveling husband and four active sons, who create heaps of laundry that are anything but romantic. Jennifer has a BA in linguistics from the University of Utah and is a Guitar Hero champion. She lives in northern Utah with her family.

Visit her WEBSITE.

Tour Giveaway: (The giveaway is sponsored by Covenant Communications.  They are responsible to announce and notify the winner.)

Visit the Tour Stops:

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