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you'll find snippets, as well as the link to each full post, below:
What inspired you to write JORDAN'S DELIVERANCE?It is the third and final book in the Jordan of Algoran Christian Science-Fantasy series. I started work on the series in 2015 with a basic premise: God is not limited to Earth. He reigns over the whole universe. So, He is able to reach Jordan, even when she and her mother are abducted and taken to another world. I decided to carry this idea throughout the series and to its conclusion.
Bookstagram Tour(With its own giveaway - ends 10/25/20.)
The Observance Torch was the same as any other torch, but it was adorned with red jula crystals, reinforced with twine, and its top was dipped in animal fat and dusted with crushed dry jikpal leaves which made the flames take on a violet shade. When the Observance Torch was lit, it told the villagers passing by her hut not to enter, since the Chieftess was seeking wisdom and guidance from the Father of Spirits whom she called God.
Part of
Jordan’s Deliverance is set on Earth in the early 2070s. Before I wrote those scenes, I had to ask myself a few important questions:
1. How much could Earth change in fifty years?
2. What kind of technological advances might occur in that time?
3. Would Jordan even recognize her (fictional) hometown of Chase Creek, Colorado?
4. Would people speak any differently or use different jargon? . . .
“You are taking a big risk acting this way,” Commander Imbador warned. “Getting that pardon will take even longer.”
“I am the only one who has the information you need. I think that justifies the risk,” Zeetra countered, her frown transforming to a smile. She put her hands behind her head, locking her fingers as she leaned back against the bed confidently. “And right now, I have nothing but time.”
How did you dream up this world and all its details?I had to start from scratch. Originally, I was imagining this as purely a fantasy tale. But it soon became clear that this was going to mostly take place on an alien world called Algoran. I tried to envision another world, as diverse in land, sea, and people as any other world. I made it clear from the beginning that this was an Earth-like world or else the main character, Jordan, and her mother would not have been able to survive, much less thrive.
In keeping with the fantasy concept, however, I did not want a lot of advanced technology. I wanted this world to be a contrast to Earth, to picture life without our modern conveniences while depicting the beauty and dangers of nature. Growing up in a major Texas city, it was an enjoyable challenge to flesh out a world the complete opposite of what I knew. I had to do a lot of research to understand different regions and climates.
"Whew, what a way to begin a series! Jordan pulled me in from the beginning and made me so curious about her as a person and how Allen Steadham would mold her as a character. . . . The plot was also really good and hooked me from the first page . . . I totally enjoyed this story and definitely recommend it if you are willing to take a leap into a world not quite our own. 5 out of 5 stars for the great character build up, faith interwoven themes, and for leaving me wanting more." - Jordan's World
Jordan hadn’t felt the rush of the vortex in decades. It had grabbed her like a thing alive and thrashed her about in its clutches, shifting violently in a torrent of motion as lights flashed all around her. When it finally released her, she was barely coherent enough to land on her feet and run to a stop. Then she heard something approaching. Whatever it was, it was big and so close, it was almost on top of her.
I cannot get out of the way in time!
This is a very intriguing story. There is a lot of mystery and adventure throughout. It's an interesting new world for Jordan and it's impressive how well she adjusted to her new surroundings. . . . The characters are awesome. They are all well-developed and it is easy to feel their emotions. -
Jordan's WorldIt was fun to continue to follow Jordan and her old and new friends. There is so much adventure in this story. You get to meet new tribes of people on their planet of Algoran. . . . The story flows well from chapter to chapter and is easy to follow along." -
Jordan's ArrowA great continuation of Jordan on Algoran. Watching Jordan and her family grow and strengthen is a great treat. So many new and wonderful characters that you get to know . . . I think this is a great story and recommend it to teen to adult readers. -
Jordan's Deliverance
4.) To which character did you best relate?The main character, Jordan. There are many enjoyable characters in the series, but it’s centered around Jordan for a reason: we follow her life, the ups and downs, joys and losses. We get to see her grow as a woman. She’s not perfect, she makes some big mistakes along the way, but she has a good heart. She’s the most relatable character, in my opinion.
I make no secret that I’m a Star Trek fan, going all the way back to The Original Series. I watched it in syndication in the 1970s as a child. From 2005 to 2015, I only read Star Trek novels. So here are my top ten influences from the TV, movies, and books. . .
Instead, she took in a deep breath and was grateful something had actually happened. She grabbed the sapphire-hued javelin with both hands, pulling it close to her chest. A new fire burned in her gaze.
“I am the granddaughter of Snow and Fire! I will protect you and look after your needs,” she declared. “Give me your trust and I shall not disappoint you. I will also consult with my torkomm and the village elders. All will be well.”
". . . this story is about growing and becoming. Jordan has difficult decisions and knows that there is a deity who watches over her, even though she is far away from home. She learns for herself where her home is and whom she can believe in.
I am intrigued at what future endeavors and adventures await Jordan and her friends." -
Jordan's World
Don't forget to enter the giveaway at the end of this post...

Jordan's Deliverance
(Jordan of Algoran #3)
By Allen Steadham
Christian Science Fiction, Fantasy
Paperback & ebook, 330 Pages
October 13, 2020 by Ambassador International
The Onchei are back.
And trouble looms...
The Onchei want to learn what happened to their brethren on Algoran from the only survivor, Zeetra. Yet they learn instead she has broken the Onchei’s highest law: never intermarry or have children with another race. For this, she now faces execution.
Jordan SnowFire fears the Onchei will blame the Mokta and seek retribution soon. Only an ancient heirloom, which contains the ultimate Onchei knowledge, can save the Mokta...except it's on Earth, a world she hasn't seen in decades.
Jordan sends her son, Arrow, and her friend's daughter, Maska, to rescue Zeetra while she travels back to Earth to seek the Onchei artifact. What tie is there between a thousand-year-old object and Jordan's ancestors? Could this explain why she and her mother were originally abducted and brought to Algoran?
In the skies of Algoran, a final confrontation looms between the Onchei and the Mokta. And on Earth, Jordan finds more than she could have possibly imagined...
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Tour Schedule
October 19th:October 20th:
October 21st:
October 22nd:
October 23rd:
October 24th:
October 25th:
Bookstagram Tour
Check out the Bookstagram Tour
here, which has its own giveaway!
October 19th:
October 20th:
October 21st:
October 22nd:
October 23rd:
Other Books in the Series

(Linked to Amazon affiliate links.)
About the Author

Allen Steadham created comic books and webcomics before he started writing novels. He has been married to his wife, Angel, since 1995 and they have two sons and a daughter. When not writing stories, Allen and his wife are singers, songwriters, and musicians. They have been in a Christian band together since 1997. They live in Central Texas.
Tour Giveaway

- One winner will receive signed print copies of the entire Jordan of Algoran series (US only)
- One winner will receive ebook copies of the entire Jordan of Algoran series (open internationally)
- Ends October 29, 2020