Standout Saints: Church History Heroes from Around the World by Sierra Wilson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Source: Received to Review
Genre: Non-fiction Religion
Book Description: From prophets to pioneers, from songwriters to scientists, Standout Saints: Church History Heroes from Around the World presents the fascinating true stories of twenty women and twenty men from Church history. Each one-page biography describes impressive achievements and shares stories of great faith. Readers will encounter well-known and beloved Saints such as Joseph Smith and Eliza R. Snow along with lesser-known heroes from around the world such as Hu Wei-I, who miraculously translated the Book of Mormon into Chinese, and Mere Mete Whaanga, a prominent Maori woman who helped the Church spread into New Zealand. In addition, Standout Saints includes uplifting quotes, a Church history timeline, and resources for further study.
The courage and faith of these Saints made them stand out from the world, and this educational and inspiring book helps young readers know that they too can stand out.
My thoughts: Can I just say wow!?
This book is well done. It takes a look at 40 people through history from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Twenty men and twenty women are featured. Each has a page giving a brief synopsis of what their accomplishments were in furthering the work of the Lord. What makes it even better is that the author did not focus on the people that are better known in church history. She has featured many that I have not heard of before. Each of the stories is inspiring.
Many of the people featured did not come from the United States. The people came from all different parts of the world. It is a great reminder that it is a worldwide church and that it takes all of us working together to proclaim the gospel.
The book is written and illustrated to share with children, but it is a keepsake for old and young alike.
Source: I received a complimentary copy. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.
This book is well done. It takes a look at 40 people through history from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Twenty men and twenty women are featured. Each has a page giving a brief synopsis of what their accomplishments were in furthering the work of the Lord. What makes it even better is that the author did not focus on the people that are better known in church history. She has featured many that I have not heard of before. Each of the stories is inspiring.
Many of the people featured did not come from the United States. The people came from all different parts of the world. It is a great reminder that it is a worldwide church and that it takes all of us working together to proclaim the gospel.
The book is written and illustrated to share with children, but it is a keepsake for old and young alike.
Source: I received a complimentary copy. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.
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About the Author: Sierra Wilson is a children's author/illustrator living in Alberta, Canada. She wrote The Atonement of Jesus Christ is for Me and I Can Be Like Jesus as well as several other books for children soon to be released. Before turning to writing, Sierra worked as a high school English and history teacher. She is the daughter of two modern-day pioneers and loves researching about pioneers and faithful heroes of all kinds. When she's not writing, you can find her adventuring with her husband and four children, cross-country skiing, or eating all the chocolate.
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Oh gosh who do I chose, there are so many. I think it would have to be all the Prophets in The Book of Mormon. and in these Latter-Days it would be Joseph Smith.