Thursday, June 1, 2017

Winds of Change by Jean Holbrook Mathews (Blog Tour + giveaway)

Winds of Change
Winds of Change by Jean Holbrook Mathews
Source: Received to review from publisher
Genre: Historical LDS Fiction
Rating: TBD

Book Description:  The year is 1854, and change is in the air throughout India. Within the walls of her grand home in Calcutta, Sarah McCune anxiously awaits the future. After eighteen months at war, her husband, a sergeant in the Bengal Army of the East India Company, has made an extraordinary proposal: leave all the comforts of their life in Asia for an unknown future in America. As recent converts to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Sarah and her husband are drawn to the promise of Zion. So, despite their fears regarding the dangerous voyage before them, they and their four children embark on a journey of faith that will test the limits of their conviction and define generations to come. This breathtaking saga, based on the historical journals of one Latter-day Saint family, invites readers to experience the sacrifices and perils of these early pioneers as they faithfully seek a land of promise.

My thoughts:  I find books written about people in history and actual events fascinating.  This book deals with a family leaving their home in India to travel to America.  This would be a hard thing to do in today's wold.  Imagine doing it in the 1800's.

The book is very detailed oriented.  It is obvious that Jean Holbrook Mathews has done meticulous research.  I liked the detail of the Indian port and living with native servants.  The way of life is not familiar to me.  I always appreciate learning something new.

I listed the rating as TBD because I have not finished the book.  (Sadly, I must admit to this failing once again.)  I look forward to finding out more about this family and the changes that come to them.

I will say that if you like detailed and researched historical fiction, this book would be a good fit.

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