Thursday, March 30, 2017

Sweet is the Work: Lessons from the First Sister Missionaries by Breanna Olaveson + tour giveaway

Sweet is the Work by Breanna OlavesonSweet is the Work: Lessons from the First Sister Missionaries by Breanna Olaveson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Source: I received a copy of the book from the publisher.
Genre: Non fiction/ LDS Religious

Book Description:  Young women serving as missionaries today are carrying on a noble legacy of faith and dedication that extends back to the early days of the Church. But who were the brave women who paved the way for modern-day sister missionaries? In Sweet Is the Work, author Breanna Olaveson delves into a previously unexplored history that demonstrates the unique ability of women to carry out the errand of angels. Discover the powerful experiences of twelve of the earliest sister missionaries, from the first single proselytizing women in 1898 to some of the wellknown sisters in Church history who were themselves pioneering missionaries. The women highlighted in this volume demonstrate the valiant and noble history of sister missionaries in an account that is sure to inspire readers to boldly go forth to share the truths of the gospel.

My thoughts: There are some things that I take for granted and not ponder on them. One of them would be the beginnings of women serving as missionaries for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I never wondered who some of the pioneering women were or their circumstances.

This book takes a look at 12 women who served faithfully and boldly preached the gospel. The women came from different circumstances. A few were older and some were newlywed wives. Some had children in the mission field and some were single sisters. They all had in common a love of the Savior and wanted to share the message with other people.

The book has short chapters that are interesting and informative. My take away from the book was one of reverence and respect for the women who paved the way for the missionaries serving today.

Online Purchase Links:

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(Prize and winner notification will be coming from Covenant Communications)

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Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Winter Fallsy by Jacque Stevens

Winter Falls by Jacque StevensWinter Falls: A Tale of the Snow Queen by Jacque Stevens
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Source: Received electronic copy from eBooks for review
Genre: YA Fairy Tale Retelling

Book Description:  Katie knows better than to believe in happy endings.

She learned there was no such thing after her mother died. In the postindustrial town of Riverside, Katie struggles to care for her distant father and his failing hotel. Her only comfort lies in the arms of her true love, Shay.

Yet one evening, he disappears without a trace.

Devastated, Katie jumps off a bridge in winter, expecting to meet death in the frozen water below. Instead, her fall transports her to a snowy netherworld, where trapped souls take on the form of animals and the only thing that matters is survival.

Then Katie discovers that Shay has been kidnapped by a deadly sorceress called the Winter Queen. She goes on a journey to find him, traveling through the realms of storybook fairies, princesses, thieves, and monsters to bring him home. But the path is harsh and dangerous. Will Shay and Katie be reunited? Or be forever trapped within an eternal winter?

A retelling of the classic fairytale The Snow Queen, WINTER FALLS is a young adult epic fantasy romance which examines the trials of depression and mental illness in a magical world of action and adventure.

Teen fans of C.S. Lewis and Shannon Hale will love this inspirational novel by author Jacque Stevens.

Clean romance. MILD+ Content rating on MyBookRatings for references to alcohol abuse, suicide, and other serious topics. Recommended for teen readers ages 14 and up.

My thoughts: I enjoyed this retelling of the Snow Queen. I have to admit that I am not as familiar with this tale as others, although I have been fascinated by it.

Katie is a young woman who experiences many changes and heart ache in her life. Her mother jumped from a bridge when she was small, she lives with her father in an inn that is struggling to make ends meet, and then her father remarries. It is a lot for a young woman to deal with. She also has a challenge of not being very social and not fitting in with her peers. There is one boy who seems to stick around, Shay, his attention is confusing.

Katie enters another realm after the Snow Queen comes and takes Shay with her. She meets the fairy of the four seasons and goes on a quest to remove him from Winter's hold. Through visions, she knows that she must get to him soon or face loosing him forever.

This tale is well told. I enjoyed the action, adventure, romance, and the creatures that inhabit the other realm. They are part human and part animal. They are very interesting and the way the interact and live is creative. Jacque Stevens has taken an old tell and breathed a different life into it. If you enjoy retellings, you may like this one. It is clean with a little bit of violence, an attempted suicide, and kissing.

Online purchase link:

Jacque StevensAbout the Author:  (Taken from Goodreads)  Jacque Stevens wrote her first novel as a stress relief activity during nursing school. Now as a fulltime nurse working in mental and developmental health, she continues to write stories filled with elves, fairies, and all things awesome. 

She lives in Utah so yes, she does have a huge extended family and occasionally eats green jello, but she does not yet own a minivan.
Visit her WEBPAGE.

Monday, March 27, 2017

Courting Carrie in Wonderland by Carla Kelly

Courting Carrie in Wonderland by Carla KellyCourting Carrie in Wonderland by Carla Kelly
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Source: Received copy from the publisher to review.
Genre: Historical Fiction Romance

Book Description:  Struggling through college and balancing her summer job in Yellowstone Park with the Wylie Camping Company, Carrie McKay simply doesn't have time to consider romance. Spanish American War Veteran Sergeant Major Ramsay Stiles also isn't looking for love, busy with his own complicated affairs. But as the magic of Yellowstone starts making its way into their hearts, both begin to see love move up their priority list.

My thoughts: Carla Kelly is a historian, you can tell by the quality of her work and research. Courting Carrie in Wonderland is fascinating on many levels.  I had no idea of the history of Yellowstone National Park. To me, it's a great place to visit, but I never considered it's past. I did not know that they kept the military stationed there to build roads, keep tourists in line, and control the wildlife. I didn't realize that the people stupidly fed the bears. (What were they thinking?) The bears were part of the tourist attraction.

Ok, so I loved the history of the park. I also thoroughly enjoyed the romance between Carrie and Ramsay. Both of the characters feel less than worthy of love. Both of them are incredible people with a lot to offer. The romance is sweet and progresses steadily to love. Their budding romance and insecurities were realistic and well written. Carla Kelly's humor came through when they met at the outhouse. It's a very humorous scene, which you should really read for yourself. :)

This is a clean romance.  There is reference to a near rape and mild innuendo.

Purchase a copy online at:

Carla KellyAbout the Author:  Carla Kelly is a veteran of the New York and international publishing world. The author of more than thirty novels and novellas for Donald I. Fine Co., Signet, and Harlequin, Carla is the recipient of two Rita Awards (think Oscars for romance writing) from Romance Writers of America and two Spur Awards (think Oscars for western fiction) from Western Writers of America. She is also a recipient of a Whitney Award for “Borrowed Light,” “My Loving Vigil Keeping,” and “Softly Falling.”
Visit her WEBPAGE

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Thursday, March 23, 2017

Unexpected Love: A Marriage of Convenience Anthology

Unexpected Love: A Marriage of Convenience Anthology
Unexpected Love: A Marriage of Convenience Anthology by Heather Chapman
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Source: Received digital copy from publisher to review
Genre: Anthology/ Historical Fiction

Book Description:  Around the turn of the century, matches were made for all sorts of reasons--whether to keep a family together or simply to make ends meet. But love has a way of turning up in the most unexpected places! With four historical romance stories in one, this fun anthology will sweep you from the dance floors of aristocracy to the hearths of country living, leading to love through the most unusual circumstances.

Ashbrook Abbey by Heather Chapman
Though decidedly against marriage, when Ambrose Notley discovers it may win him his uncle's good opinion (and his inheritance), he marries the orphaned Kate Mowbray. But will Kate be able to break down the walls that Ambrose has built around himself?

First Comes Marriage by Paula Kremser
When Letty's sister and husband unexpectedly die, a greedy uncle threatens to steal custody of the children and their money. David, Letty's brother-in-law, marries Letty in the hopes of retaining custody of their niece and nephew. But will this love for show become something deeper?

The Price of Her Heart by Mandi Ellsworth
When Faith McKinney witnesses a crime she shouldn't have seen, she's forced into hiding to protect her own life.As part of this, her uncle arranges her marriage to small-town sheriff Geoffrey. But when the men searching for her find Geoffrey as well, will he be able to protect her?

Beauty and the Beholder by Ashtyn Newbold
When a marriage arranged by chance brings Fanny and Percy together, they quickly learn that clashing personalities and battles of wit are not a recipe for a happy match. How could a marriage between quick enemies ever result in something such as love? But fate has a way of bringing even the most unlikely hearts together...

My thoughts: Desperate circumstances sometimes call for desperate a marriage of convenience. I admit that I love stories where two unlikely people come together and find happiness. In this case, there are eight, because the book contains four stories.

Usually short stories are not my preferred reading material because I like a story with character development and I become invested in the characters. I have recently read several anthologies and when they are well written, they are a lot of fun. This anthology falls into the well written category. I also loved the unique voice of the writers. While all of the books share a theme, they are very different. I highly recommend all four of the stories.

Online Purchase Links:

About the Authors:

Heather Chapman: Being the youngest of four sisters (and one very tolerant older brother), Heather grew up on a steady diet of chocolate, Jane Austen, Anne of Green Gables, Audrey Hepburn, and the other staples of female literature and moviedom. These stories inspired Heather, and she began writing at a young age. After meeting and marrying her husband Mark, Heather graduated magna cum laude from Brigham Young University and settled down in a small farming community with her husband and four children. In her spare time, Heather enjoys volleyball, piano, the outdoors, and just about anything creative.
Mandi Ellsworth: Mandi is an avid reader, a slow jogger, and disinterested in board games of any kind. She lives in Utah with her husband, three children and no pets.
Paula Kremser: Paula Kremser focused on a career in science for a few years after graduating from Brigham Young University. Several years later when she moved with her young family to England, Paula seized the opportunity to focus on her love of the Regency Era. The enchantment of the aristocracy and the fascinating stories from every stately home she visits have been both research and inspiration for her first novel, “Sophia,” and second, “To Suit a Suitor.”
Ashtyn Newbold: Ashtyn Newbold discovered a love of writing early in high school. Inspired by regency period romance, she wrote her first novel at the age of sixteen. Because she can’t vacation in her favorite historical time periods, she writes about them instead. When not crafting handsome historical heroes, she enjoys baking, sewing, music, and spoiling her dog. She dreams of traveling to England and Ireland. Ashtyn is currently studying English and creative writing at Utah Valley University. She lives in Lehi, Utah with her family and is the author of “Mischief and Manors.”

Visit the Tour Stops:

March 14: Literary Timeout
March 15: Live to Read
March 16: Seeker of Happiness || Books & Benches
March 17: Rockin’ Book Reviews
March 18: Inklings and Notions
March 19: Kindle and Me
March 20: Hardcover Feedback
March 21: Writing Worm
March 22: Geo Librarian || Heidi Reads
March 23: Getting Your Read On || Bookworm Lisa || Mel’s Shelves || Singing Librarian Books
March 24: Bookworm2Bookworm || Making Life a Bliss Complete
March 25: Kaki Recommends
March 26: The Things I Love Most
March 27: My Book a Day
March 28: Katie’s Clean Book Collection
March 29: Blooming With Books || Inklings and Notions
March 30: Jorie Loves a Story || Wishful Endings
March 31: The Dragon’s Nook

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Blog Tour for Condemn Me Not: Accused of Witchcraft by Heather B Moore + Giveaway

Condemn Me Not by Heather B. MooreCondemn Me Not: Accused of Witchcraft by Heather B. Moore
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Source: Received eBook to Review
Genre: Historical Fiction

Book Description:  “This woman was one of the most impudent, scurrilous, wicked creatures of this world; and she did now throughout her whole trial discover herself to be such a one. Yet when she was asked what she had to say for herself, her chief plea was that she had led a most virtuous and holy life.” —Reverend Cotton Mather, 1692

USA Today Bestselling author Heather B. Moore brings the life of her 10th great-grandmother to center stage. Susannah North Martin, accused of witchcraft in 1692, joins five women in the Salem Jail, all sentenced to death for their crimes. Amidst tragedy, Susannah finds hope and compassion as she remembers a well-loved life, and readers discover that love reaches far beyond the grave as Susannah faces the magistrates in Salem.

My thoughts: I don't not know if there are adequate words to express how I feel about the victims of the Salem Witch Trials. It is unimaginable to me what those people went through. I found Condemn Me Not to be a touching and thoughtful look at the life of Susannah North Martin. The author, Heather B Moore, is Susannah's 10th Great Granddaughter. Not only does it depict Susannah's life, it also touches on the life of several women who were imprisoned and hung as witches.

This story vacillates between Susannah's time in prison and her courtship and early marriage with her husband. I loved knowing that she was a real person in history and she lived a full life of love and happiness. Unfortunately, her life ended in tragedy. I love that the victims are looked on more kindly through history than the accusers. It still boggles my mind that they would accuse a four year old child. (I have to get off of this vein of thought, or there may be a rant in this review.)

This is a beautiful story. It shows horrendous living conditions in jail, but it celebrates life. The book does have kissing and innuendo between a married couple.

Online purchase links:

Heather B. MooreAbout the Author: (Taken from Goodreads)  Heather B. Moore is a USA Today bestselling author, with a dozen historical written under the pen name H.B. Moore. Latest is Slave Queen (Thomas & Mercer). Under Heather B. Moore she writes romance and women’s fiction and inspirational non-fiction, latest is Condemn Me Not: Accused of Witchcraft. Her various author names can be confusing so her kids just call her Mom.

Visit the Tour Stops:

March 24My Book a Day / Empower Moms

Enter the Tour Giveaway
(Prize and notification of winner will be coming from another party.)

Remember all of the beautiful teasers for this book?  Here's one of my favorites that I am re-posting.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

A Second Chance Blog Tour (With a giveaway)

A Second Chance A Second Chance by Alexis A Goring

Source: Received ebook to review
Genre: Contemporary Christian Romance
Rating: 3.5 of 5 stars

Book Description:  Newly single food critic and newspaper reporter Traci Hightower is done with dating. After the man of her dreams left her at the altar on their wedding day and ran off with the woman she thought was her best friend, Traci resolves to focus on work and resigns herself to being a bachelorette for life. 

Marc Roberts is a political reporter who is known as Mr. Nice Guy, the one who always finishes last. However, Marc’s compassion and kindness is of invaluable help to his newly widowed sister Gina Braxton who is trying to raise her two kids in the wake of her firefighter husband’s death. 

Traci and Marc may be the perfect match, but they don’t know it yet. With God’s guidance and the help of Gina’s matchmaking skills honed by her career as a bestselling romance novelist, there is hope for a happily ever after for these two broken hearts. 

My thoughts:  Finding love after heartache is a risk.  Traci is not sure that she is ready for a relationship after her fiancee left her at the alter.  She is deeply in debt and needs financial relief.  An unexpected option opens up, if she marries she gets an inheritance.

Marc is also having problems in the relationship department.  Helping his widowed sister with her children doesn't help in finding someone to love.

This is a sweet Christian romance.  Both Marc and Traci want to find a person to share their lives with, but both of them have problems trusting their hearts to another.  I enjoyed the message of faith and trusting God.  

The book is a novela and moves at a very quick pace.  There wasn't a lot of time for character development.  The book focuses more on relationship issues and overcoming them.  It is a sweet and clean read.  Perfect for the times you need something  quick to read.

Purchase Links:  Amazon * Barnes & Noble


Chapter 1

Knee-deep in debt from wedding expenses, Traci Hightower sighed as she filed through the credit card statements. She should be married now, back from her honeymoon in Bali, and settled into her new home with her husband.
Not single and broke.
She slapped an envelope against the desk. Five months of struggling to survive and pay off the debt. Her meager, entry-level journalist salary didn’t stretch far enough. She’d been paying her dues for seven years. She rubbed her temples. The numbers on the credit card statement blurred in front of her eyes.
The doorbell rang. A little thrill rushed through her. She stood from her cross-legged position on the floor and hopped over the mess of papers and laundry that decorated her living room. “Who is it?”
“The woman who gave you birth.”
For the first time today, Traci smiled. She opened the door and reached for a hug from the one person who never left her hanging. “Hi, Mom.”
Her mom returned her daughter’s embrace, then dragged her suitcase inside. She glanced around. “Oh, my.”
Traci locked her door, then turned and shrugged. “I’m so glad you’re here. I’ve been looking forward to this. Can’t you stay for more than two days though?”
Mom stopped picking up the bills from the floor and faced her daughter. “No, honey. I’m sorry, but I need to return home by Wednesday morning. Dad and I have an important meeting later that day.”
Traci’s heart dipped. Mom paused and placed the bills and the stack of paper she’d picked off the floor on Traci’s kitchen counter. “Oh, sweetie.” She cocooned her daughter in another embrace.
Traci snuggled close. She inhaled the familiar scent of her mother’s favorite perfume. It smelt like coconut and lime.
“You always were a cuddler.” Mom stroked her hair. “Still up to your eyeballs in debt?”
Traci nodded.
“Why don’t you let me and your father help?”
Traci took a step back and made eye contact with her mom. “We’ve been through this. I got myself into this mess. I’ll get myself out.”
Mom smiled. “Your father and I were talking. We hate to see you struggling.”
“You don’t exactly live in a palace either. I know you want to retire soon, and I won’t have you dipping into that money.”
Mom reached into her purse. “Living in the nation’s capital area is expensive.” She rummaged through her handbag’s contents. “Have you considered moving home?”
“I can’t do that. I don’t ever want to live anywhere else. My life and career are here.”
“How’s that going for you?”
Traci picked at her fingernails. “It could be better.” Better boss, better pay, better office space. The works.
Mom nodded as she retrieved one sealed envelope from her purse. She looked toward Traci’s kitchen. “Can we make some tea? I’d like to talk with you.”
“Sure. Come with me.” Traci reached for the box of peppermint tea bags and got a bottle of honey from her refrigerator. As she put the kettle on to boil, her mom settled into a wobbly kitchen chair. She smoothed the creased edges of the envelope.
Traci poured the hot water over the tea bags in each mug and the scent of peppermint filled the air. “Everything okay?”
“Just thinking, honey.”
“About what?”
“Have a seat.”
“Sure, just let me allow the tea to steep.” After she placed a plate over each mug and set it aside, she settled into the chair across from her mom. “What’s up?”
“I never did like Greg.”
Traci traced a ring stain on the table. “Do we have to talk about my ex-fiancé?”
“Yes, because your grandfather always trusted my judgment.”
“So, Grandpa didn’t like Greg either?”
“I inherited my instincts of discernment from him. Speaking of discernment, here.” She pushed the envelope within Traci’s reach.
She frowned as she picked it up and tried to flatten its wrinkles. “What’s this?”
“Open it. Read it, and I’ll bring our tea to the table.”
Traci turned over the letter-sized, manila-hued paper that was addressed to her. She drew out the paper.

Dear Traci,
If you’re reading this, it means I’ve passed away, and your mother kept her promise to give this to you at the right time. As you know, I like to cut to the chase first and explain later. So here it is, plain and simple: I left an inheritance for you. It’s enough for you to make a solid and secure living, for it will cover more than what you need for the rest of your life.

Traci dropped the letter, her hands shaking. This could be the answer to her financial struggles and give her what she always dreamed of. Her own bookstore. The thought stole her breath for a moment. She envisioned the words on the sign out front. Hallee’s House. Just like she promised her cousin Hallee before she passed away from cancer. Tears welled in Traci’s eyes.
Forcing herself to take a deep breath and will the emotional waterworks away, she picked the paper off the floor and continued reading.

But you cannot receive the money until after you are married, and before you are, your mother must approve of the man you want to wed. Why? Because your mother inherited my sense of judgment and discernment between right and wrong when it comes to people. She can spot someone who’s going to break your heart from a mile away. I trust that you will listen to your mother now that I’m gone and can no longer advise you. So there you have it, dear. You have an inheritance. Sounds like a movie, right? Only it’s not. It’s better, because it’s now part of the story of your life.

After you’re married, you and your husband need to visit my lawyer, Chadwick Morrison. Provide him with the original copy of your marriage certificate, and he will give you your inheritance.
Your grandmother and I loved you. We wanted nothing more than for you to find the type of love that we had during our lifetime. Now, I trust that you will allow yourself to be guided by God, your mother’s love, and your father’s protection.

With love, your grandfather,
Henry Allen Fort

P.S. Take this seriously. Don’t marry the wrong man just to get the money. Let love happen. There’s no deadline. My will said you had to be married first. It didn’t say when.

“Let love happen.” Traci snorted as she folded the letter and placed it into the envelope. “The last time I let love happen, I was left at the altar with nothing more than a pile of bills.”
Mom placed her mug on the table. “It’s time for you to move on and trust God.”
“I trusted God to bring me a husband. He brought me Greg. Remember? The man who left me on my wedding day and ran off with my best friend?”
“Honey, I know it hurts, but that was months ago. You shouldn’t allow Greg’s actions and wayward heart to tarnish your future. Be glad he showed you his true colors before tying the knot. Honestly, look at this as a blessing. God protected you from a lifetime of heartache.”
Traci focused on her I Love Maryland mug.
Mom touched her hand. “Your grandfather just wanted to see you happy in a committed romantic relationship like he and your grandma had. Like your father and I have.”
Traci sipped her tea.
“Keep the letter.” Mrs. Hightower pushed her chair back. “Do you want me to stay here or at a hotel?”
“Here, Mom, of course. You can stay in my room. I’ll sleep on the couch.”
“Alright then. I’m going to put my luggage in your room. After that, we’ll clean your apartment.”
Traci picked up the mugs while her mind ran a marathon. Forgive her ex-fiancé and move on? Trust God?
PictureAlexis A. Goring is a passionate writer with a degree in Print Journalism and an MFA in Creative Writing. She loves the art of storytelling and hopes that her stories will connect readers with the enduring, forever love of Jesus Christ.


March 20--Fiction Aficionado
March 21--Bookworm Lisa | Zerina Blossom's Books
March 22--Encouraging Words from the Tea Queen | Book by Book
March 23--Christian Bookaholic | Wishful Endings
March 24--Singing Librarian Books | Kindle and Me
March 25--A Baker's Perspective

Monday, March 20, 2017

You Are the Mother Your Children Needy by Christie Gardiner (Blog Tour + Giveaway)

You Are the Mother Your Children NeedYou Are the Mother Your Children Need by Christie Gardiner
Rating: 5 of 5 Stars
Genre:  Religious Inspirational/Self Help
Source:  Received from Publisher to Review

Book Description:  The woman you want to be . . . the one who has within her every talent, gift, and ability to be what her children need? She’s already there. She is you. Motherhood is the toughest job you’ll ever take on: there is no interview, no job description, and no salary. When you get the position, it can be all too easy to feel underqualified and overwhelmed. But with a sweet message of encouragement, Christie Gardiner reminds women there are as many ways to be a good mother as there are mothers in this world—and there’s no one more capable of raising your children than you! In this uplifting book, mothers are encouraged to let go of the quest for perfectionism and recognize the divinity within. Discover how to own your strengths and weaknesses, and allow your true self to shine! With practical advice on learning to accept failure, holding on to your identity, and harnessing the divine help available to mothers, women will gain the confidence to embrace their uniquely perfect qualifications for the job of motherhood.

My thoughts:  You are the mother that your children need.  What a profound and powerful statement.  I don't know how many times I have wondered why Heavenly Father sent a particular child to me.  At times I have wondered "why me,"  In my own inspiration I realized that that child and I needed to learn something from each other.  The title of the book adds another level to what I have learned.

I found it ironic that she mentioned that readers could hide their Regency Romance in this book and pretend they were reading something useful.  When I sat down to read this book, I actually grabbed my Regency Romance book and had to go back to get this one.  It was a toss up for a few minutes on which book I was going to read.  This one beat the Regency in many ways.  I actually got something from it other than sheer entertainment.  There is a lot of meat to this book.  There are messages that help women realize that it's OK.  We don't have to be like the neighbor who acts out the stories in the scripture, instead of just reading them.  We need to be the mother that we are, because we are the mother that our children need.

The book takes a perspective that focuses not just on the here and now.  Eternal perspective is part of the key.  I can get lost in the details of the moment and loose sight of the goal.  As mothers we need to lift up each other and help each other.  Many practical concepts are discussed.  It is a book that as you read it, it feels right.

This book would be a great gift for the mother's in your life.  It is well worth putting down  the Regency for. :)  This books is written for LDS readers.

Online purchase links:

Christie GardinerAbout the Author:  (Taken from Goodreads)  Christie has enjoyed participating in speaking engagements across the country where she loves reminding groups of women that with God, they are not alone and are enough. Christie's heartfelt and quick-witted writing was first enjoyed in blog form on behalf of the Utah Jazz and Illume Gallery of Fine Art. Her performing career has spanned three decades in theater, television, film, commercials, podcasting and voiceover work. She is a longtime faculty member at the Utah Conservatory of Performing Arts where she inspires young people to increase their self-esteem through participation in the arts. She enjoys serving in her church's youth program. In her spare time you will find Christie with her husband and children, in nature or in the yoga studio teaching a class. She makes her home in Utah and occasionally, the Oregon coast.

You Are the Mother Your Children Need, is Christie's debut. Look for her next book, on shelves October 2017.

Visit her WEBPAGE!

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(Notification and Prize coming from Covenant Communications)

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