Monday, November 30, 2015

Book Spotlight ~ "The Diamond Looking Glasss" by Dorine White + tour giveaway

the diamond looking glass
Beauty and the Beast. The world knows it as a cartoon with dancing teacups and broomsticks. To twelve year old Claire La Fleur, it is family history, and the power behind Belle’s mirror is real. Every ten years her family gathers to see if the mirror will awaken, and for the last two hundred years it has slept. This time, Claire’s touch awakens the magic within the diamond looking glass, a direct portal to the past and a way to communicate with Cleopatra, the last pharaoh of Egypt. The lure of power brings with it many perils, and a betrayal close to home thrusts Claire into a treacherous underworld. To protect the mirror, she travels into the Louvre museum in the dark of night, searches abandoned subway tunnels, and walks the catacombs of
 the dead. Welcome to Paris, France- where danger follows in every step.

Amazon * Goodreads

Read an Excerpt


Together they hurried up a set of stairs and into a room filled with coffins and mummies. “This just keeps getting better and better,” said Claire. But, even she couldn’t complain about the amazing beauty of the golden sarcophagi and their bold colorful engravings. Through an archway, Claire could see into the next gallery running parallel to theirs. Along the wall, covered by glass cases, rested pages from the Egyptian Book of the Dead. Without meaning to, Claire began walking toward the display. She heard rhythmic voices in her head and had no doubt they spoke the words from the tablets. The voices began chanting, their words rising and falling like music.
            “Hey, Claire, this way,” said Jean-Luc.
            “Did you hear that?”
            “Hear what? Hurry up.”
            Claire snapped out of her stupor, shaking her head in confusion. She moved to Jean-Luc’s side and followed him past the rows of coffins. Claire was still wondering about the voices she’d heard and started when she heard shuffling behind her. When she turned, nobody was there.
            “Is anyone behind us?” she asked her brother.
            “No, we’re the last. Come on.”
            Claire scooted down the hallway, but couldn’t get rid of the feeling that someone was following her. She glanced over her shoulder. The remains of a mummy turned her way, pieces of faded yellow wrapping coming undone.
What? She focused on the mummy, but this time it was still. Weird, she thought. She grabbed her brother’s hand as they ran.
            Finally they made it through the exhibit and caught up with everyone waiting for them in the crypt of the sphinx. The director sniffed as they came into the room, and then turned away.
            “We’re heading to the lower level and into the remains of the medieval Louvre,” he said. “The first part is open to tourists, but once we pass into the restricted level, watch your step.”
            They walked into a long curving hallway. The stone walls resembled a castle’s exterior, rough and patchy. The air smelled damp and sweet, and Claire sucked in a huge breath.
            “The fortress was built by Phillip Augustus to protect Paris from attack via the Seine River,” said the director. “You are walking along what used to be the moat.”
            Claire reached out her hand to feel the roughness of the stones by her side. She let her fingers trail along as she followed the group into a large room filled with arched entryways. Short columns decorated with stone palm fronds sprouted up from the floor.
            “This is the Salle of Saint-Louis, and to the rest of the world, it is the end of the tour. But follow me, we shall descend one floor lower,” said the director.
            Down they went, completely surround by heavy rock. The floor became uneven and the lights flickered as they descended. Then they came to an ultra-modern steel door. The director punched in a series of numbers, leaned over to let a red beam scan his eye, and then he pushed the handle of the vault. The door opened with a hiss of air.
            Heading through the door, Claire stepped into a rotunda. The circular wall before her anchored several steel doors, each the personal vault of someone high up and prestigious. The director led them to one door at the end.
            Jean-Luc stepped forward and entered the La Fleur family code into the keypad. Again, Claire heard the hiss of air as the door opened. She stepped around her brother, squeezing past several of the guards to get a better view. There wasn’t much to see—just wooden crates and jewelry boxes. Then she looked at the far wall, and she finally understood all the fuss.
            The oval mirror rested upright against a bed of black velvet. It looked like an old-fashioned, round handheld mirror, with the exception of the large round diamond attached to its handle.
            They all stood there looking, nobody moving, but then Claire heard a small hum. She looked around, but could not uncover the source of the sound. As the hum grew louder, everybody in the room noticed it, and began looking around, too. Then, the mirror started to vibrate, shaking itself spastically upon its velvet bed.
            Claire’s eyes widened as she watched the mirror inch off its stand. Then, she ducked as the mirror shot straight off the velvet and cruised right at her head. Jean-Luc reached out with an easy hand and snatched it. The mirror quieted, going still in his grasp.


Author Bio

My name is Dorine White. I graduated from Brigham Young
dorine whiteUniversity with a BA in Humanities. I am a stay at home mom with 6 wonderful kids, and call the Northwest home. Writing wise, I am a member of the SCBWI, ANWA, LDS Storymakers and the PNWA. I write middle grade and YA fantasy. My first book, The Emerald Ring, was published May 2013 by Cedar Fort Books. In 2014 the second book was published, The Ruby Pendant. The third book in the series, The Diamond Looking Glass, is due out Oct 2015 from Skyrocket Press. My first YA fantasy novel, The Awakening, came out in 2014 from Skyrocket Press. Author Website * Blog- The Write Path * Twitter @Dorinewhite * Facebook Author Page


The Blog Tour Giveaway

A $25 Amazon gift code and copies of all three books: The Emerald Ring, The Ruby Pendant and The Diamond Looking Glass.



I am so excited to be hosting a stop on the the Blog Tour for The Diamond Looking Glass by Dorine White hosted by Fire and Ice

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Book Review ~ "Lord Apollo & The Colleen" by S.G. Rogers

Lord Apollo & the Colleen by S.G. Rogers
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Source: Purchased Kindle copy
Genre: Historical Fiction Romance

Book Description:  Five years after his supposed death, Theo King has returned to Graceling Hall...but a mystery remains. A stranger is buried in his grave, and nobody knows if his death was accidental…or murder. As Theo resumes his former life, the dead man’s sister shows up on his doorstep to hold him accountable. If he helps this Irish spitfire solve the mystery, will she finally leave him in peace?

My thoughts: I was anxious to read this book after reading Larken. I appreciated the characters and looked forward to reading Theo's story.

This book was more than Theo's story. I was very happy to alternating points of view that let me get to know more of the wonderful characters in her Graceling Hall books.

There is not a lot of things I can say without giving away some of the story. This is one that you don't want to know what will happen in the end. I had my guesses, but she threw some surprises that let me very pleased.

This is a clean historical romance.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving!

Blog Tour ~ "A Reluctant Assassin" by J.C. Morrows + tour giveaway!

A Reluctant Assassin by J.C. Morrows
My rating: 4.5 of 5 stars
Source: Received to Review
Genre: Christian Romantic Suspense/Dystopia

Book Description:  Her mission was simple — get close to the Prince, and kill him. . . 

Kayden entered the palace under a lie, one designed to get her close to the Prince. On the outside, she may look like a princess but beneath the mask, a killer lays in wait — for the perfect moment.

Dvarius was not ready to take the crown, nor was he ready for a wife . . . but due to his father’s unexpected death and an archaic law — he must find a bride before he is allowed to take his rightful place on the throne.

And the one woman he wants — just might be the one who is there to kill him...

My thoughts: Kayden is faced with a dilemma. She has come to the palace with a mission to kill the Prince. The information she had been told about him is incorrect. He is not what she expected and it doesn't take long for her to begin to develop feelings for him.

Dvarius is not excited that he must choose a bride from the 24 young women brought to the castle. He must marry in order to become King. He trust in God to lead him to the woman whom he could love and to rule the Kingdom with.

The book is set in a futuristic society. After the destruction of society through war, a monarchy has been put in place to govern the people. The book combines the old with the new. Women wear dresses, but there is remnants of our modern world in use. I really enjoyed how J.C Morrows was able to combine elements of society in creating her social setting. The manners are also reminiscent of an older day.

The major action in the book takes place on a subtle level. It is more a conflict of emotions and purpose. The wordplay and characters drew me in from the start. I can't wait to continue reading the series. It ends on a cliffhanger. The book contains political intrigue, romance, and assassins.

I found the book to be a clean read. The Prince is a devout Christian and there are references to deity.

Read a Snippet
Like your own personal fairy tale . . .”
At the time she had sneered at his words.
Now . . . here . . . in this place, she was surrounded by the confinement of the palace; the ostentatious décor, the fancy food, the ridiculous ensembles . . .
Fairy tale indeed . . . biting off the rest of what she had been thinking, she turned to pace, not realizing she had begun to mutter aloud.
What kind of stupid girl wants this sort of fairy tale? Not this one; that's for sure. Why would Alfreid think I want a fairy tale?”
She let out a huff of frustration.
What if Cinderella had been sent to kill The Prince?”
Now that's my kind of fairy tale . . .
The sound of her laughter echoed back at her as it bounced off the marble walls. -


Purchase your copy:

Amazon * iTunes * Nook * Kobo

READ the Prequel for 99 cents.

A Perilous Assignment (Order of the MoonStone #0.5)A Perilous Assignment by J.C. Morrows
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Source: Received to Review
Genre: Short Story Dystopian

This is a very, very short story that introduces Kayden. She belongs to an order that are assassins. This very brief look is very interesting and takes a look at the life that she lives. It does an excellent job at creating interest for A Reluctant Assassin.

J C Morrows - Bestselling author of YA Christian speculative fiction, drinker of coffee and avid reader - is a storyteller in the truest sense of the word. JC has been telling stories in one form or another her entire life and once her mother convinced her to write them down, she couldn't stop.

She finished her first speculative fiction novel purely for the enjoyment of her mother - also known as her biggest fan.

She gives God all of the glory for her talent and ability!

Connect with JC on:

November 23--Singing Librarian Books | Just Commonly
November 25--Fictionally | Wishful Endings
November 26--Bookworm Lisa
November 27--Griperang's Bookmarks | Donna's BookShelf

Other Books in the Series!

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Read a Harlequin Heartwarming short story for #FREE ~ Wedding of His Dreams by Cari Lynn Webb + giveaway

 On tour with Prism Book Tours.

We'll be highlighting 13 FREE short stories by beloved Harlequin Heartwarming authors that will be available from Harlequin during November. All Heartwarming titles are 30% OFF during November from Harlequin as well! Use code HEART1115.


Wedding of His Dreams by Cari Lynn Webb

Some things don’t mix: champagne and pizza. Major holidays and once in a life-time, dream weddings. An uptight PhD Maid of Honor and a world weary, laid-back Best Man. But Ruthie Cain’s twin sister never received that memo. Rebecca (Becca) Cain has joined her bachelor and bachelorette parties with an afternoon at the dog park in San Francisco. The rehearsal dinner and Cain family reunion are scheduled for Thanksgiving Day in Lake Tahoe. And the guest list for the Saturday sunset wedding in the mountains overlooking the lake includes pets.

If only Ruthie was simply on the guest list. But her maid of honor duties have expanded to include more than holding the bouquet during the vows. Thanks to her psychology background, she's been elected to rein in Becca's bridezilla tendencies. Her fear of flying has made her chauffeur to not one, but two Great Danes. And she needs to find someone who can cook enough turkeys to feed a wedding party that keeps expanding by the hour.

Now if only she can persuade the best man, Matthew Wright, that his responsibilities include more than looking good in a tux, she might discover that sometimes the wrong things should mix.

Read it HERE!

Cari Lynn Webb lives in Alabama with her family. If she isn’t at her computer, she can usually be found: picking up her daughters from school, dropping off at swimming or soccer practice or running into the grocery store for that one thing she forgot on her shopping list. She loves escaping into a romance and her e-reader can usually be found in her passenger seat. Visit her at:

The Matchmaker Wore Skates, will release in February 2016 as the second story in the anthology, Make Me A Match.

Website - Goodreads - Facebook - Twitter - Pinterest

Guest Post

Assumptions and expectations are a part of everyone's life. We are either setting an expectation for ourselves or perhaps a daughter (I have two and they're well aware of our expectations for school and grades). Or we are making assumptions about people or situations that we're involved in. In our house, my daughter has a tendency to assume what my answer will be to something before she's even asked me her question. She'll come in already prepared to fight because she's convinced she knows my answer. Sometime she's right, but more often she's been wrong. And there's something fun about defying her expectations and watching her have to re-group on the spot. Slowly she's learning to ask first, then react.

In my short story, Wedding of His Dreams, Ruthie Cain has expectations and she's made more than a few assumptions about Matt Wright. Ruthie and Matt have been aware of each other since high school, but they've never dated. Ruthie had been too focused on her studies and Matt had been too busy having fun. But Ruthie almost married another man. Now Matt has decided to take the opportunity to prove to Ruthie that he is exactly what she needs. And he intends to make the most of his second chance. However before Matt can get to Ruthie’s heart, he has to first shatter a few of Ruthie's misconceptions and assumptions about him.

I had so much fun writing this story and watching Matt push Ruthie outside of her comfort zone. Of course Ruthie didn't budge easily from her by the book life, but Matt was more than up for the challenge. And Ruthie discovered the best happy-ever-after was the one she never planned for.

I hope you enjoy reading Wedding of His Dreams as much as I enjoyed writing it.



Don't miss any of these FREE novellas or the extra tour content! Stop by each of the tour stops each day:

11/2: Snow Day Baby by Amy Vastine
Singing Librarian Books, The Power of Words, & Katie's Clean Book Collection

11/4: Wedding at Turkey Run by Liz Flaherty
My Love for Reading Keeps Growing, Babs Book Bistro, & Heidi Reads...

11/6: Her Thanksgiving Soldier by Leigh Riker
Letters from Annie (Douglass) Lima, Mel's Shelves, & Brooke Blogs

11/9: Mr. Right All Along by Jen Snow
Katie's Clean Book CollectionMin Reads and Reviews, & Love thy Shelf

11/11: Falling for the Cowboy by Sophia Sasson
Kindle and Me, The Power of Words, & Colorimetry

11/13: The Marriage Gift by Tara Taylor Quinn
deal sharing aunt, Babs Book Bistro, & Brooke Blogs

11/16: Heart of a Hero by Pamela Tracy
Writing Pearls, Wishful Endings, & Waiting For Wentworth

11/18: Thankful for You by Karen Rock
Christian Chick's Thoughts, Getting Your Read On, & Love, Laughter, Friendship

11/20: Autumn at Jasper Lake by Carol Ross
Reading Is My SuperPower, I Am A Reader, & Colorimetry

11/23: The Firefighter’s Promise by Kate James
Canadian Book Addict, Mel's Shelves, & Beck Valley Books

11/24: Wedding of His Dreams by Cari Lynn Webb
Bookworm Lisa, Kindle and Me, & Zerina Blossom's Books

11/25: The Sweetheart Tree by Rula Sinara
The Written Adventure, Reading Is My SuperPower, & Writing Pearl

11/26: Married by Thanksgiving by Melinda Curtis
Heidi Reads..., Love, Laughter, Friendship, & Singing Librarian Books 

11/29: Grand Finale
11/30: Facebook Party


Goodreads Giveaway

13 Harlequin Heartwarming Books
Enter on Goodreads HERE.

Pinterest Giveaway

Pin one or both of these images to spread the word and enter to win this adorably festive Thanksgiving Table Set:

Pinterest Prize includes: four reversible, quilted placemats, four matching napkins, hand-painted matching napkin rings, matching table runner, matching quilted hot pad/trivet, floral centerpiece in pot, and hand-crafted pilgrim pair.
- Enter via the Rafflecopter below
- Open to US/CAN only
- Ends December 4th

Tour Giveaway

Grand Prize: Harlequin Heartwarming Year Subscription (Provided by Harlequin and to US/CAN only)
$40 VISA card (US only)
13-Book Heartwarming Prize Pack: The Best Laid Plans, Back to McGuffy's, If I Loved You, Love, Lies & Mistletoe, First Comes Marriage, Once Upon A Marriage, Small Town Secrets, Winter Wedding Bells, If Not For A Bee, When The Right One Comes Along, Wedding of His Dreams, After The Silence, and A Memory Away (print copies if US, ebooks if international)
9-Book Prize Pack: The Best Laid Plans, If I Loved You, Love, Lies & Mistletoe, First Comes Marriage, Once Upon A Marriage, When The Right One Comes Along, Winter Wedding Bells, If Not For A Bee, and After The Silence (print copies if US, ebooks if international)
Ends December 4th

Grab Our Button!

Monday, November 23, 2015

"By the River" by Jennie Hansen + tour giveaway

By the RiverBy the River by Jennie Hansen
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Source: Received from publisher to review
Genre: Clean Romantic Suspense

Book Description: It was supposed to be a relaxing early morning run, but the path along the river trail quickly turns into the scene of a nightmare for recent college graduate Kira Paxton. An unintended exploration of a secluded riverbank leads to a gruesome discovery that sets her on a collision course with danger: it is the body of a young woman. In shock, all Kira can manage to do is scream . . . From the moment Ford Kettering hears the cries for help along the trail, he is drawn irrevocably into a mystery in which he plays a shocking role. Ford, a local high school teacher, had a recent classroom clash with the victim—now, he’s a person of interest. As Ford and Kira bond over their shared ordeal, they work together to prove Ford’s innocence—and soon, their attraction is undeniable. But it seems that Kira’s nightmare is far from over. What begins as a series of close calls and acts of vandalism soon escalates, putting Kira’s own life in jeopardy. It appears that Kira saw something that day along the trail, something that has made her a target. With Ford’s help, she is determined to track down the killer—before she becomes the next victim.

My thoughts: Kira is an independent woman. There are people she loves who are trying to look out for her, but encroaching upon her personal space. This becomes more evident the day she discovers a body at the river. From that moment her life becomes chaotic. Her father and brother try to talk her into giving up her condo, she has a PI tracking her movements, she is stalked by a killer, and she falls in love.

I enjoyed the characters in the book. Many of them are quirky and show their unique personalities. I loved the dog, Jasper. I would hate to have him living with me, but he adds a level of humor to the book. You have to read about Jasper to truly appreciate him in the story. His escapades bring Kira trouble and comfort.

This book is fun to read and left me wanting to find out who is really the bad guy. I knew it wasn't Ford, Kira's love interest and a suspect in the story. There are several turns in the story. One minute I thought I had it all figured out to realize that my assumptions weren't always accurate.

This is a clean romantic/suspense novel. There are some religious references that do not have a huge bearing on the plot. There is also non-graphic violence and kissing.

Purchase Links:

About the Author:  Jennie Hansen lived a nomadic life during her early years and can remember living in twenty-two different houses and attending eight schools. The two colleges where she earned degrees, Ricks and Westminster, made ten. She worked as a model, secretary, newspaper reporter and editor, legislative page, teacher, and librarian. Through it all, she kept writing. To date she has twenty-three published novels, numerous short stories, and many magazine and newspaper articles to her credit. She has written reviews of LDS fiction for Meridian Magazine since 2001.

She and her husband have five children, all of whom are married to wonderful people, and eleven grandchildren. Two days each week Jennie and her husband can be found serving at the Oquirrh Mountain Temple, a fifteen-minute drive from their Utah home.
You can learn more about Jennie Hansen by visiting her blog at
Enter the tour giveaway

Visit the tour stops

Craving Beauty Tour Finale

On Tour with Prism Book Tours.

It's the Grand Finale for
Craving Beauty
By Jennifer Silverwood

Did you come along with us as the classic fairy tale of Beauty and the Beast is retold in a Gothic setting where nothing is exactly as it seems and the heroine must be her own hero? If not, go back and check out each stop...

Launch - Author Interview

What do you hope readers take with them after they’ve read it?

Sometimes there is no knight in shining armor coming to rescue the damsel. Sometimes the damsel has to be the hero. I hope readers will find their courage, along with our heroine, Vynasha, to realize they too are beautiful beyond their inner and outer scars.

"Whatever you think you know, forget it, you are probably wrong. As I said earlier, there is so much going on within the pages of this book you won't know what to expect but that is what makes this book so utterly amazing. It was so different. It took a classic fairy tale one that I absolutely adore and made it something more. It made it something new."

Mythical Books - The Characters & an Introduction to Craving Beauty

Craving Beauty is yet another adaptation of the beloved fairy tale, Beauty and the Beast, with a darker twist. Elements of Gothic romance and high fantasy flesh out this retelling. I have always wanted to read a high fantasy retelling of my favorite fairy tale, so I decided to write one. . . .My story is different from other retelling's because it focuses less on the romance and more on the journey of Vynasha.

deal sharing aunt - Author Interview

6. What would you like my readers to know?

Craving Beauty, Vol. 1 is a gothic romance as well as a high fantasy retelling of Beauty & the Beast. While it is a clean YA Fantasy, be prepared for a lot of mayhem and magic. And don’t be too surprised by the blood and beasts, or cloak and dagger. In the end, Craving Beauty is about finding courage and your own inner beauty despite all obstacles. Hope you will join me in Vynasha’s journey!

"Author Jennifer Silverwood will blow you away with her latest release, Craving Beauty. In this rendition of Beauty and the Beast, Jennifer has created a twist on the story that readers will fall in love with from page one. Although a little darker than I originally thought it would be, this novel is filled with a delightful story and excellently developed characters."

"If you are a fan of Beauty and the Beast type of story you will love this. It is a story of a girl with a tragic life who finds herself in a castle filled with Beasts and other enchanted characters."

Cover2Cover - Review

"This is a story of love and loss, sacrifice and finding the strength within oneself to beat the odds."

Colorimetry - Interview with Vynasha

The following interview was the last time anyone from the village of Whistleande had contact with her before Vynasha and her nephew, Wyll disappeared this winter. They are currently presumed dead by the local magistrate. One can only ponder what would drive these poor souls into a forest populated with danger and shrouded in myth.

Wishful Endings - Excerpt

The creature’s heavy limbs pounded upon the floor with every scrape of its claws. Roars echoed her flight over the crimson carpet. The hall was black as pitch without the light of the fire and candles. It wasn’t long before she felt the creature’s hot breath above her neck. Her heart pounded as she pushed harder and barely missed colliding with a column. She pivoted to avoid one agony, only to feel the rip of claws sinking around her waist.

Then she knew no more.
Bookworm Lisa - Not Your Average Beauty

As I mentioned before, Vynasha is not your average “Beauty”. She was beautiful once, but now is covered in scars. She has little interest in romance or personal goals but doesn’t consider herself to be selfless. From an early age, like so many women today, she learned to get by on her own. Sometimes the prince doesn’t come in time and the damsel has to rescue them both. In “Craving Beauty”, Vynasha will discover that her inner beauty, like her bravery comes in many shapes and sizes.

Zerina Blossom’s Books - What I Learned From Craving Beauty

Of all the projects I’ve worked on since I started writing professionally, Vynasha’s story has stuck with me the longest. It has been drafted and re-drafted, revised and edited and revised again. At times I wanted to throw in the towel and give up because I thought I would never see the day it would publish. Some authors in that position might have set it aside for a later date, or put it away for good to collect dust. And I might have done exactly that except for one thing, I love the story. I love gothic romances and fairy tale retellings, and “Craving Beauty” is somewhat of a conglomerate of the two. It has elements of horror and high fantasy with the necessary Byronic hero and a heroine who isn’t your average “Beauty.”

J. L. Mbewe - Interview

What are you working on now? What’s next for you?

As you might have guessed, I’m already hard at work on the sequel to Craving Beauty, as well as polishing up the companion novella, Wolfsbane’s Daughter. I’m also working on a contemporary adult romance novel called “Moonlight.” I hope to publish all three this next year, so be on the lookout for news from my website!

Reader Girls - Excerpt

The beast growled as it dragged her back into the shelter of the room. She felt a powerful arm, muscle and sinew straining against her body as it tucked her against its brown mane. She was too dazed to do anything but cling to the creature in turn as it barreled through the castle. Slowly, her muscles relaxed enough for her to almost enjoy that wild rocking sensation and the thump of the beast’s heartbeat.

alwaysjoart - Wylder Tales

Craving Beauty is the first book in a three part series. The next, Wolfsbane’s Daughter is a companion novella and in-between for volumes one and two. It follows the journey of a few side characters you’ll meet in volume one. We will get an up close and personal glimpse of Wolfsbane’s mute daughter, Resha as she looks after Wyll. Wolfsbane and Resha both have major parts to play before the story plays out in volume two. I had a lot of fun diving into a different perspective, since the other two books are told from Vynasha’s point of view. Also, because Resha was born and raised in the forbidding Wylder Mountains, she gives us a closer look at the new world Vynasha and Wyll have traveled to.

Craving Beauty
(A Wylder Tale, #1)
by Jennifer Silverwood
YA Dark Fantasy
Paperback & ebook, 239 pages
October 31st 2015

Vynasha has spent the last four years tending her mother's roses and looking after her nephew. The fire that killed their family has left her scarred and put Wyll on the brink of death. Soon the first frost will come down from the mountains and she knows this winter will be his last.

Until a strange beggar appears on the road, telling her of the majikal Source that can heal her Wyll. With nothing left to lose, Vynasha braves the forbidden Wylder Mountains to seek out a cure and her fate.

A lost kingdom is uncovered by an equally lost girl, but the castle is not abandoned as she believes. Shadows cloaking unseen eyes watch. Tapestries whisper from the hidden corners, wondering if the one to break their curse has come. And a hungry beast waits, ready to devour her soul.

Other Books by the Author
Silver Hollow Qeya (Heaven's Edge #1) Ohre (Heaven's Edge, #2) Stay

Jennifer Silverwood
Jennifer Silverwood was raised deep in the heart of Texas and has been spinning yarns a mile high since childhood. In her spare time she reads and writes and tries to sustain her wanderlust, whether it’s the Carpathian Mountains in Transylvania, the highlands of Ecuador or a road trip to the next town. Always on the lookout for her next adventure, in print or reality, she dreams of one day proving to the masses that everything really is better in Texas. She is the author of the Heaven’s Edge series, Stay and Silver Hollow.

Tour Giveaway

$20 Amazon eGift Card & ebook of Craving Beauty (INT)
Print copy of Craving Beauty + swag (Us Only)
Ends November 27th

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