Friday, July 31, 2015

12 Days of Back To School Books ~ Day 5 ~ Nikki's Heart by Nona J Moss

 March 25,
It has been ten days since that horrible night. Ten days since my world crumbled, and my heart shattered into a million pieces. It has been ten days since my life ended.

I have been unfaithful to you, Dear Journal, because I could not bear to think. And I knew if I opened you, it would be to spill the rest of my broken heart.

It was so awful. I will never forget it as long as I live. It is fresh in my mind every waking hour. The memories invade my dreams whenever I close my eyes.

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 Nona Moss grew up in Cheyenne Wyoming. She writes young adult fiction, and has published a book of poetry. She currently lives in St Joseph Missouri with her teenage son Zayne and the love of her life and best friend Travis.


Question and Answer with the author

 1. Given unlimited resources, what would be your ideal writing environment?
My ideal writing environment would be outside under a shade tree.

2.      Where do you actually write?
I actually write in my living room.
3.      How did you come to write this particular book or series?
I came up with the idea for this book based on growing up with an alcoholic parent.
4.      What was the hardest part of writing your book, and how did you overcome it?
The hardest part about writing this book was finding time. I overcame it by staying up late at night and taking the book everywhere I went in case I had a few extra minutes to write.
5.      What is your favorite late night snack?
My favorite late night snack is ice cream.


Thursday, July 30, 2015

Blog Tour ~ "Love on a Whim" by Aubrey Mace + tour giveaway

Love on a Whim by Aubrey Mace
My rating: 4.5 of 5 stars
Source: Received from Publisher to Review
Genre: Romance/Comedy

Book Description:  Six months out of law school, Rachel Pearce is completely disillusioned by her job hunt. Despite pounding the pavement with her Ivy League degree in hand, her job prospects are no brighter than the day she graduated. Then in a chance meeting with a former acquaintance, eccentric young millionaire Henry Walker, Rachel finds an unexpected opportunity: Henry is looking for a personal secretary. Swallowing her pride, Rachel sets aside her law firm aspirations for what she envisions as secretarial work—mountains of paperwork and filing. But when she finds her most demanding duty to be daily cookie runs for her new boss, she’s baffled by her unconventional job responsibilities.
As she’s pulled into Henry’s delightful whims, caught in a whirlwind of private jets and fancy dinners, Rachel finds herself inexplicably drawn to this handsome and charismatic man. But reality always has a way of intruding, and logic tells her that this adventure can’t last. When real life inevitably comes calling, Rachel must decide if she’s willing to trade in her dream of success in the courtroom for a chance at love. 

My thoughts: This book was the perfect read for me right now. I love the combination of romance and comedy. There are comedic situations that put a grin on my face and kept me anticipating what could possible happen (or go wrong) next.

The cover is perfect for the book.  The character re-connect in a sweets shop.  I like to see the cover and think of the really good stuff that is non-fattening inside of the book.  It's a very sweet romance.

Rachel thinks she has her life figured out. She graduated from law school and thinks she should be on track to a productive career practicing law. Her dreams are not coming true and she is struggling to survive when she runs into Henry. He is a wealthy ex-boyfriend of her best friend. His offer to employ her as his secretary was not well received, but became a necessity as things became more desperate for Rachel.

Aubrey Mace writes with a wonderful and clear voice. I could picture many of the scenes in my head. Her presentation of the banter between Henry and Rachel was excellent. They are wonderful characters and I am very grateful that I got to read their story!

This book is clean and fun! There is mild religious references that don't have a big impact on the story. This book can be enjoyed by all.

Tour Giveaway!

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12 Days of Back To School Books ~ Day 4 ~ Simply West of Heaven by Monique Bucheger

"Twelve-year-old BFFs are matchmaking geniuses. Sweet! Not long after they schemed to get Ginnie’s widowed dad to fall in love with Tillie’s divorced mom, Ginnie stumbled upon her late mom's journals, making life even more awesome sauce … until her dad confiscated the journals, determined to protect Ginnie from a danger he won’t name. Ginnie is counting on her future sister's help to make Dad change his mind, but Tillie's not so sure the ghost of Ginnie's mom will make a good addition to their new family tree.   The girls' world gets flipped upside-down when a blast from the past shows up and makes Tillie go nutburgers. Ginnie is torn between helping her best friend and what could be the answer to her deepest wish."
Buy your copy here:


When Monique Bucheger isn’t writing, you can find her playing taxi cab driver to one or more of her 12 children, plotting her next novel, scrapbooking, or being the “Mamarazzi” at any number of child-oriented events. Even though she realizes there will never be enough hours in any given day, Monique tries very hard to enjoy the journey that is her life. She shares it with a terrific husband, her dozen children, a son-in-law, and 3 adorable grandchildren, one cat, and many real and imaginary friends. She is the author of the Ginnie West Adventure middle-grade series: The Secret Sisters Club, Trouble Blows West, & Simply West of Heaven. and Being West Is Best, a picture book: Popcorn.

Twitter: MoniqueBucheger 

Question and Answer with the Author

1.      All-time favorite book? Our Only May Amelia by Jennifer Holm
2.      Writing snack of choice? GOOD Chocolate
3.      Top hobby you do when not writing? Scrapbooking

4.      Favorite Animal? Horse

Tired of keeping her uncles secret, Ginnie and Uncle Jake face off:

Before she could tell her feet whether to flee toward the barn, the pasture, or the front of the house, Uncle Jake stood in front of her, worry coloring his face. Dont make me jump any hoops. Just tell me whats wrong. And dont say nope or nothing. Wests dont lie.
But they sure know how to keep secrets, dont they? Ginnie let the words drip with spite. She crossed her arms. Too bad Wests dont keep their promises.
Didnt we just have this conversation?
She toggled her head. I told you that you didnt want to hear what I had to say. Too bad you didnt listen, huh?
Wow, even more attitude. His eyes narrowed. Then worry crept into his voice. Is this how youre gonna act tonight? Because I thought you had my back.
I have your back as much as you have mine. She took a sideways step.
He matched her move. I do have your back. You need to have some patience.
No, sir. Ginnie shook her head so hard her blonde braids flipped from one shoulder to the other. What I NEED is a dad who isnt afraid of his past, an uncle who keeps his promises, a best friend who doesnt have to talk about weddings all the time, and oha brother who isnt perfect.
Uncle Jake hung his thumb on his jean pocket and asked quietly. Anything else?
As long as youre asking, a mom who isnt dead would be nice. She blinked quickly and jutted her chin. But since pigs dont fly, I got nothing.

She brushed the bangs out of her eyes and glared just past his shoulder. Leave. Me. Alone.

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