My rating: 4.5 of 5 stars
Source: Received from Publisher to Review
Genre: Contemporary Clean Romance
Book Description: Tess Dougherty plans every aspect of her life right down to the last detail. But she doesn’t plan on running her boyfriend off by bringing up the topic of marriage before he’s ready. And she doesn’t plan to lose her job on the day she’s set to receive a huge promotion. So when her perfect world unravels, Tess makes a new plan: disappear.
Tess packs her bags and leaves her city apartment for a remote
vineyard in North Carolina. At first, she’s put off by the slow pace of small-town
life in the South. She’s especially irritated by Thatcher, the vineyard’s smart-mouth,
dimple-faced farmhand. But she soon begins to appreciate the area’s charm, and Thatcher’s
charm, too. She even swaps her trademark heels for a pair of cowboy boots. As Tess
spends more time getting to know Thatcher, she finds herself loosening her grip
on her old life little by little. Unfortunately, things on the vineyard aren’t as
simple as they seem. There’s a secret here, and when the truth comes to light, Tess
is forced to reconsider every plan she’s ever made.
My thoughts: Tess has planned her wedding to Logan. They have dated fro seven years, and she knows that he is finally going to ask her to marry him at a special dinner. But, it doesn't happen. He congratulates her on a job promotion and then leaves for a business trip right after she gives him an ultimatum.
He missed the fact that she was laid off from work the next day and received a surprise invitation from her twin brother, Jake, to help him out on a vineyard he and his wife just inherited.
Her time away to sort out her life leaves her more confused. She has a boyfriend, whom she loves, but Thatcher is a magnet. She can't stop thinking about him and she feels tingly when she is near him.
This was a fun book for me to read. I enjoyed the characters. Tess is a sweet woman who has a lot to look forward to. She has lost herself in her career and trying to be the perfect girlfriend. In this story she re-discovers who she is and how she wants to live her life. She figures out that there are parts of herself she let fall to the wayside that she wants to recapture.
Thatcher was a hoot. His quirky personality kept Tess on her toes. He has traveled a hard path through life and become a better person for it. I loved how he helped Tess be herself.
Tess's other relationships in the book were for the most part supportive. I loved reading how she and her brother interacted. The way she dealt with a small town that loves to gossip showed integrity.
There were many great thing in this book. This is a clean romance book.
Read an Excerpt:
I heard the sound of tires on the wet road, and looked up in time to see another truck
slowing down to avoid crashing into the cow. The truck pulled around the cow and
stopped alongside where I stood on the side of the road. The driver rolled the window
down, and when I saw his face, I wanted to cry.
It was not my day.
“You all right?”
I crossed my arms. “I’m fine!”
“Guess your GPS didn’t tell you to go around the cow, did it, Heels?”
I turned away from him and pulled my phone out of my pocket.
“What are you doing?” he asked.
“I’m calling for roadside assistance.”
“Good luck. Cell phones don’t work on this stretch of road.”
I turned around and glared at him. “What?”
“I said cell phones don’t work on this stretch of road.”
“I heard you. That’s insane.”
“Go ahead and try. Maybe you have some fancy magical cell phone.”
I rolled my eyes and turned away again, attempting to place a call. He was
right. Nothing.
“Get in the truck, Heels.”
I didn’t budge.
“Come on, now. Get in.”
I turned around to see him hop out of the truck, walk around to the passenger
side, and open the door.
There was no way I was getting in his truck.
“You gonna make me stay out in the rain all night?” he asked.
I put my hands on my hips.
“You know,” he said, “it ain’t right for a cow to stand in the road like
that. You ever heard of Mad Cow Disease?”
I looked at the cow, then back at Thatcher, then back at the cow.
Was he kidding? I couldn’t tell. What choice did I have anyway? I was soaking
wet, freezing, and miles from the vineyard.
I balled my hands into fists and took several strides toward the truck.
“Fine. But I’m only coming with you because you look like an idiot standing out
here in the pouring rain.” I got in the truck, and he shut the door behind me.
“Well, so do you, Heels.”
About the Author: Courtney Rice Gager graduated from Virginia Tech with a bachelor’s degree in communication and a minor in creative writing. Courtney is also the author of The Buggy List. She lives in New Jersey with her husband and daughter.
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Anaiah Press
Thanks so much for having me and for sharing Tess in Boots with your readers!
ReplyDeleteOkay I wasn't sure about it before, but now I am! Great review! Cannot wait to read this :)