My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I love binge worthy books. To dive deep into a story and try to figure out what is happening and what I am expecting, then having a wrench thrown in and blow my theories off course. (sigh)
This whole series is binge worthy. I think I am going to need to go back and read them one after the other to fully appreciate the wonderful world that Sharayah Maurice has created. I seriously love this series.
In "A Game of Truth and Lies" all of the characters are together in the same place. This group of Young Adults have great chemistry together. There is a real spirit of cooperation. Some of the banter between couples, and wanna be couples, is so good. It has done my heart good to have a good chuckle and root for them to succeed.
If you are going to start the series start with the first book, "A Bounty of Secrets and Rebellion". You'll definitely want to binge the three books. Now I just can't wait for book 4. I need to know what happens next.
Source: I received a complimentary copy. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.
Griff sat next to Halyn and behind Alana, occasionally flicking his sister’s ear or tugging a curl just to mess with her between spectating fights. It sometimes amazed him to think that he was picking on the Princess of Latera, soon-to-be Crown Princess of Gaellen. Truthfully, it made picking on her all the more enjoyable. He got to do what no one else would dream of doing given her status. He decided picking on his little sister would only keep her humble and when he looked at it that way, he was really doing her a favor.
Griff sucked in a breath as a bucket of ice-cold water doused him from head to toe.
“Serves you right,” Halyn remarked, edging away from him as Alana burst into cackles of laughter. A shiver raced down his spine as the crisp autumn breeze rushed over him, adding to the chill of the cold water drenching him. He pulled at his shirt, trying to keep the wetness off his skin and noticed a bloom of pink spreading across the white fabric.
“Iced beet juice,” Alana explained with a smirk, half-turned on her bench to face him. “Good luck getting that out of your clothes.”
“Very clever,” he noted, impressed with his sister’s deviousness. All of a sudden he lunged forward, arms out wide as he wrapped her in a wet hug. She squealed and squirmed, attempting to escape his embrace but only managing to create more points of connection to spread the pink liquid from his clothes to hers.
“Stop it, you two!” Nakeera barked, waving at them to settle down. “Fynn and Tannin are about to be up!”
Griff released Alana just as she shoved him away and frowned down at the wet splotches of her dress. Fortunately for her, her dress was already pink and the stain of the beet juice was hardly noticeable. She glared up at him as she pulled her cloak closed to ward off the wet chill, even as her lips twitched in amusement. He grinned mischievously at her as another prank came to mind. He tucked it away for later just as Fynn’s voice sounded from the center of the arena, drawing his attention over her head to the two men facing off with wooden staffs in hand. “Are you ready?”
Avery’s face twisted up into a cocky grin. “I think the real question is, are you ready to be bested in front of all your subjects, Prince Fynnegan?”
There was a rise of snickers from the crowd as Fynn volleyed back, “It’s Latera’s image I’m more concerned about. Wouldn’t want to make my betrothed’s kingdom look bad.”
“Not to worry, I won’t let my princess down,” Avery replied, dropping into an exaggerated bow toward Alana.