On Tour with Prism Book Tours...
The Legendary Tour
As the lighting blazed in a dancing, arcing column to the sky, a voice deep and powerful as thunder said, “My son, today my powers are bestowed upon you.”
As the lighting blazed in a dancing, arcing column to the sky, a voice deep and powerful as thunder said, “My son, today my powers are bestowed upon you.”
This tour goes back to the age of legends. The author has taken a deep dive into rich history, bringing his love of fantasy with him.
Ancient Holidays
The Chronicles of Guiamo Durmius Stolo are fantasy novels; however, they are so much more than just entertainment. They are historical fantasy in which the author has taken the utmost care to hold true to actual history, myths and legends within the frame of his story line. All battles in book one are real battles that Mr. Best has described as best he could. As in other historical fiction novels, he takes known facts and fashions a story around those facts to fill in the gaps of what we do not know. What makes it fantasy is the fantastical creatures and magic that accompany it.
Three celebrations are mentioned in the novels which were actual ancient holidays. Marshall Best gives plausible reasons for the institution of these celebrations.
Although the more modern name for it is Samhain, this name was actually derived from the Old Irish word Samfuin, which Marshall uses in his books. Read below how Samfuin was celebrated in the story of Cumoro and why in the excerpt below from book two of The Chronicles of Guiamo Durmius Stolo.
“Our men have fought in battle against the Fomori many times and came away victorious. Torques and arm bands have been awarded to the brave who survived the battles. And yet, these men and women we have honored are not the only ones who gave us a land free of the vile orcs and Luprech hounds; a land where our sons and daughters can be raised in safety. Many of our sons and brothers have fallen in battle, and the memory of their brave deeds must also be preserved for all the ages.
“I declare that the day of the full moon of this month, the month of Samonios, shall be a day of remembrances, of telling our children of Nuada and the valor of our dead, of victory, and of a land strewn with orc corpses, for our dead must be remembered. It shall be a day of celebration, of song and feasting, and demonstrations of swordplay and horsemanship.”
Guiamo could see from the smiles forming on the faces of his men that his plan was met with tremendous approval. He continued, “Each tribe shall build a fire upon this field where you now sit to remind us of the deceiving fires I set upon the plain of Tuired where Nuada was slain to confuse the orc host with the direction of our attack.
“In the midst of these fires, we shall create a great bonfire which shall burn throughout the long hours of the night to symbolize the huge pyre needed to burn the corpses of the orcs.
“Before the sun sets on that day, all the fires in the homes around Temair shall be extinguished. Then the hearth fires shall be lit anew from the great bonfire, in remembrance that only through the deaths of the Fomori could our homes be made warm and secure.
“The rekindling of the fires is to be a constant reminder that we must slay and burn all our enemies who threaten our lands in years to come. The lighting of the fires in our homes must be done to remind us of the brutal battles we endured this summer.
“This day of celebration shall mark the end of this year of bloodshed and the beginning of a new year where the Pritana and Cruthin dwell in peace in the land.”
Lughnasadh and Belotenia
Lughnasadh and Belotenia are two other ancient holidays that were celebrated. You can see below how Best has woven these seamlessly into his story in this excerpt from book 3, Morlanos.
“Speaking of celebrations, I have been thinking of proclaiming two new festive days for us to celebrate.”
Abartach was intrigued, “What would you propose, Mórlános?”
Guiamo replied, “We remember the Pritana dead who fell to the Fomori and speak of their valor. Some have come to call that day Samfuin, referring to the celebration to be forever held at the end of each summer, but there is more that must be celebrated. What our brothers did must always be remembered, but I wish to specifically honor Nuada who fell in battle. That battle upon the field of Tuired occurred in the month of Giamonios and I should like to begin this celebration by lighting fires at night to remember the juniper fires I lit to face the Fomori slóg of the orcs Balor, Indech and Tethra in the wrong direction. On this day we shall honor the memory of Nuada.”
Abartach replied, “This is a worthy event, significant to both Pritana and Cruthin. I am in agreement that it is worthy of remembrance. What other celebration do you propose?”
Guiamo answered, “I wish to remember the final destruction of the Fomori, the day when the last orcs and Luprech hounds were slain in the month of Aedrinios. It should be not so much focused on them, but rather upon us, a time of new beginnings and peace, the day that peace came at last to our land. It was a day when we could build our homes and take the harvest from our fields without fear of fire and death. It should be a day of dancing and feasting, of joyous song and games of strength and skill, and of families reuniting in peace.”
Abartach asked, “These days must be given names for all to use. Have you given thought to this?”
Guiamo replied, “Belotenia is a word which means ‘lighting of the bright fires.’ This would be fitting as a name to honor Nuada. I have not decided on a name for the festive days of renewal from the destruction of the Fomori.”
Abartach answered, “We should celebrate this as a day to honor you, Mórlános. We shall name this day Mórlánosnasadh, the ‘assembly of Mórlános.’ ”
Guiamo demurred, saying, “But I am known by many names. To Etarlám’s people, I am Cúmóro. Some remember me as Lugh, and only recently have I become known as Mórlános. To Ursius, I am Guiamo, the name given to me by my mother and father.”
Sreng laughed and said, “I do not care what others may call me, just so they call me for supper.”
Abartach smiled at Sreng’s jest and nodded in agreement. He turned back to Guiamo and said, “The people will use whatever name for you with which they are familiar. Whether it be Mórlánosnasadh, Lughnasadh, or Cúmóronasadh, they will all love you for the deliverance you brought and give honor to your memory.”
Sreng nodded in enthusiastic agreement. “It shall be as you say among both our peoples. Over the next days we will send word across the land to announce this so that all may participate in their lands as we shall at Temair.”
Combining legitimate legends with actual historical events, Marshall Best weaves an epic story that portrays the ancient world as it might have been, a world which the ancient historians recorded as fact; a time when gods ruled the earth and strange creatures dominated the land. It is the era of civilized conquerors exploring distant and primitive new lands. Scant recordings left to us today only touch on the fringe of the fantastic and brutal reality that existed in those distant lands of the west.
Into this age, young Guiamo enters the world stage as the great game-changer, and by his hand the gods and beasts become destined to disappear into myth and legend.
Guiamo Durmius Stolo sails in 55 B.C. with Rome’s 7th Legion as Julius Caesar invades Britain. But Caesar has not before encountered the Fomori, a dominion of wicked creatures which wage war against the human inhabitants and dominate much of Britain. Armed with his god-made spear, Guiamo joins with the tribal kings against their Fomori foe when Caesar departs.
Having destroyed the Fomori in Britain , Guiamo Durmius Stolo decides in 51 B.C. to bring the Cruthin people, once slaves to the Fomori, to Ireland , but encounters the Fomori who reside there as well. Guiamo discovers that the gods venerated by the Druids are unworthy. The gods are displeased with him and begin to work against him.
The Author:
Marshall Best is an avid reader, father of six and business owner. In the past several years he has found his love of writing as well. What began as a desire to write a story for his children has evolved into a nine book series.
Marshall has done extensive research into the history behind the legends, people and places of England, Scotland and Ireland involved in his books. He loves being able to weave real people and legends into his stories making them come alive. He is definitely a writer that tends to the details often mapping out timetables, calendars, geneologies, etc. that pertain to his book to ensure that it is as realistic as possible.
Marshall also enjoys putting real life issues into his books, delving into a bit of philosophy while entertaining with orcs, dragons, magic and battles. He is someone who loves a grand adventure but makes sure it's not a shallow one.
Tour-Wide Giveaway:
-One print set signed by author – world wide giveaway
-One print set signed by author – world wide giveaway
-One complete e-book set – codes provided to smashwords
-Two winners: e-book of Cumoro and a $5 Amazon gift card each
-Two winners: e-book of Morlanos and a $5 Amazon gift card each
-Two winners: e-book of Inis Emain Ablach and a $5 Amazon gift card each
Ends 12/20. Please see restrictions on Rafflecopter.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Follow the Chronicles of Guiamo as they unfold on...
The Legendary Tour:
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The Legendary Tour:
11/25: Launch
11/27: Cu's Ebook Giveaways
11/29: Mel's Shelves
12/1: Life as Leels
12/3: Tressa’s Wishful Endings
12/4: Bookworm Lisa
12/5: Mythical Books
12/6: All Fantasy Worlds
12/8: Pieces of Whimsy
12/10: My Devotional Thoughts
12/11: Mortal Moments
12/12: It Started With A Click
12/13: Grande Finale
Sign up to receive invites for upcoming Prism Tours here!
Right answer
ReplyDeleteThis is such a great series!
ReplyDeleteGreat post! Thanks for being here! I can't wait to read your books!
ReplyDeleteLisa G (lady.graeye@gmail.com)