My rating: 3.5 of 5 stars
Source: Received to Review
Genre: Christmas themed romance
Book Description: To Cate, her job as a newspaper reporter is so much more. It’s her passion. While she understands the industry is going through tough times, Cate assumes the executive who’d signed the email announcing expected furloughs wasn’t concerned that Christmas was three weeks away. She’s certain he didn’t know her divorce had been finalized nor did he realize or care she was on her own with a two-year-old anticipating Santa Claus.
Sitting in her favorite coffee house working on a story, her assumption is about to change when that executive himself sits down at her table. Sometimes the obvious isn’t. Sometimes when we think we have the rest of our life planned, our heart takes us in a different direction and that can be a gift all in itself.
My thoughts: This is a very quick Christmas romance. The main characters are both coming from lives that have had major disappointments. They both don't know if they will ever find love again.
Cate is a reporter working on her next assignment, stressing about upcoming furloughs, and struggling to make ends meet as a single mother. Lost in her work, a man asks if he can sit with her for a cup of coffee. She didn't realize that it was an executive from the paper, one of the villains in her mind.
She quickly learns that things are not always what they appear to be. He is a great guy. They both learn from each other about life and learning to trust.
The book begins in a coffee shop and one of the last settings is the coffee shop.
I enjoyed this short book. It's a great book to read on a cold winter's night when you want a book that will make you feel good about life and romance.
This book is available for Kindle and Nook for $1.99.
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