On Tour with Prism Book Tours.

(By Way of the Lighthouse, #1)
by Loree Lough
Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 384 pagesby Loree Lough
Contemporary Romance
June 1st 2017 by Harlequin Heartwarming
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Source Received to review as part of this blog tour.
Book Description: Don't they both deserve a second chance?
Fourteen years ago, one reckless act cost Ian Sylvestry everything, including the girl he planned to marry. Since then, he has fought hard to turn his life around. Returning to his Baltimore town after serving a prison term was the first step. Winning back Maleah Turner's trust is a far more daunting challenge. From their first sparks-flying reunion, it's obvious they still have powerful feelings for each other. In fact, they might be even stronger together now. But if their second chance is going to work, Maleah has to believe that Ian is a changed man. She really wants to believe…but she simply isn't convinced.
My thoughts: A stupid decision can alter the path of your life. Ian Sylvestry learned this fact when he was sent to prison, leaving the girl he loved heartbroken. Years have passed and he is a successful businessman, but he still has not made amends with Maleah.
This book was about second chances. How do you take a wrong and find a way to make it right? Ian knows that he has lost trust and respect, but knows he is a man worthy of both. His past broke him and he is letting it break his future happiness.
Maleah comes from a family of law enforcement. The last person they want her to find happiness with is an ex-felon. She has problems overcoming the hurt that he put her through. How can she let go of the past to find happiness with Ian?
This book dealt with some real emotional issues. I was impressed the Loree Lough took a tough subject matter and turned it into a positive. There are so many psychological issues that had to be overcome for this book to succeed. I felt that it was done well.
If you like books about second chances, success in spite of obstacles, family loyalty, and honor, this may be a book for you to dive into. It is clean with kissing.

Tour Schedule
June 3rd: Launch
June 4th:
June 5th:
June 6th:
June 7th:
June 8th:
June 9th: Grand Finale
Tour Giveaway
- Two winners will receive a $10 Amazon eGift Card (open internationally)
- Two winners will receive an ebook of THE MAN SHE KNEW (open internationally)
- Two winners will receive a $10 Amazon eGift Card (open internationally)
- Two winners will receive an ebook of THE MAN SHE KNEW (open internationally)
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