I love the Forgotten Carols! The music is beautiful and the message is touching. I cry whenever I watch it or listen to the music. I have the CD and it has become one of my favorite Christmas traditions. To celebrate the season, I am posting the giveaway on my blog. If you aren't familiar with "The Forgotten Carols" now is a good time to come to love them and make them a part of your Christmas traditions.
Q & A with Michael McClain
What is your favorite Forgotten Carol scene?
have so many scenes in THE FORGOTTEN CAROLS that are “favorites”
for a variety of reasons. But I’m surprised, performance
after performance, how often something touches me differently and
teaches me something that I’ve missed in performances past. It’s
the gift of doing this show for 26 years. I keep learning
things, understanding things, and feeling things that bring me closer
to the One Christmas is all about…the One who we remember…It’s
about remembering what’s been “forgotten” when it comes to the
meaning of Christmas.
a diabetic, so this is sort of a trick question. I crave
chocolate cake donuts, but have to eat Kind Bars. That’s the
reality, but the truth is, I cheat sometimes…and take a little bit
more insulin to make up for it. Don’t tell anybody :)
do you enjoy most when you’re on the road performing?
older I get the more exhausting it is to be traveling from place to
place…but the joy of that travel when it’s with people I LOVE,
LOVE, LOVE to pieces. The cast and the crew make it a joy
beyond measure.

the encore segment of The Forgotten Carols happens, I find myself
focusing on the meaning of “together forever”. Is it
something that we hope will happen someday, somewhere down the road,
or is it something we can feel right now, this moment? Some
nights I feel like I should sing a different lyric for families that
can’t buy in to the idea of an eternal connection, for whatever
reasons, and the appropriate lyric for them would be, “We can be
together, whatever, today”. Some nights, thinking about my
own family and the challenges we face, those words are a great
comfort and a celebration of now. I believe that what happens
to me, and many people who attend The Forgotten Carols, is that
together in that moment, we feel the love and peace and comfort that
comes at Christmas time to remind us that we are never alone, and the
One whose birth we celebrate is ALWAYS with us. Here’s a
news flash for you, my blogger friends. I’M ADDING A NEW
CAROL TO THE SHOW THIS YEAR that I think will shine a beautiful light
on that thought. Hope y’all come and hear me sing it!!!
Win tickets to a show nearest you!
I don't know The Forgotten Carols, but I love what you've written about it. Thanks for the Giveaway!