Monday, October 2, 2017

For Love or Honor by Sarah M. Eden ~ Blog tour review with giveaway.

For Love or Honor by Sarah M. EdenFor Love or Honor by Sarah M. Eden
My rating: 4.5 of 5 stars
Source: Received from publisher to review.
Genre: Clean Regency Romance

Book Description:  From the moment they met, Marjie’s heart has belonged to handsome Captain Stanley Jonquil, younger brother of the Earl of Lampton. But six long months ago, when Stanley’s sense of honor required that he do as he had sworn and return to the Continent to fight in defense of King and country, neither Stanley nor Marjie could have dreamed what the cost of his service would be. It has been ages since Stanley last wrote, and Marjie and the Jonquil family are plagued by his unknown fate—until the day he unexpectedly reappears. Marjie’s joy, however, is quickly shadowed by confusion—the aloof, battle-worn soldier before her is not the man he once was. In the wake of Stanley’s blatant disinterest in renewing their acquaintance, Marjie’s devastation turns to determination as she vows to help him find peace. But his scars run far deeper than anyone realizes. Despite his feelings for her, Stanley believes Marjie deserves a man whose hands are not stained with the violence of battlefields and whose mind and heart are not haunted by the horrors he has seen. Honor requires Stanley to return once more to the life he has grown to despise, one he knows will destroy him in the end, even as his heart beckons him to stay with Marjie, the only woman he could ever love, and the promise, at last, of redemption.

My thoughts: The toll of war is harsh. Death and destruction happen to the body and mind. Stanley Jonquil is one of the many soldiers who suffer after the battle is over.

I love reading Sarah M. Eden's regency books. She brings the book, characters, and setting to life for me. I can picture them in my head, hear their voices, and understand their circumstances. She has a way of drawing me in and empathizing with them. In this book the realities of a broken soldier suffering from PTSD became real for me. Stanley would rather push all that he loves away from him than have them realize how much he has and continues to suffer. The one that he longs for, Marjie, is the one he pushes away the hardest.

I love the theme of the book. Love is not perfect. You do not need to be whole in body or mind to be worthy of love.  I loved spending time with the Jonquil family again.  This book is part of series, but can be read on it's own.

Online Purchase Links:

Sarah M EdenAbout Sarah M Eden: (Taken from her WEBPAGE Sarah M. Eden is a USA Today Bestselling author of witty and charming historical romances, including AML's "2013 Novel of the Year" and Foreword Review’s 2013 “IndieFab Book of the Year” gold medal winner for Best Romance, Longing for Home, as well as 2014 Whitney Award winner for "Best Romance" and "Best Novel of the Year," Longing for Home: Hope Springs. Combining her obsession with history and affinity for tender love stories, Sarah loves crafting witty characters and heartfelt romances set against rich historical backdrops. She holds a Bachelor's degree in research and happily spends hours perusing the reference shelves of her local library. Sarah lives with her husband, kids, and mischievous dog in the shadow of a snow-capped mountain she has never attempted to ski. 

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1 comment:

  1. War is devastating to the men and women who serve. This sounds like an emotional read and I'm looking forward to reading it. Thanks for your review.
    Carol L
    Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com


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