My rating: 4.5 of 5 stars
Source; Netgalley
Genre: Historical Biblical Fiction
Book Description: Experience the life of Moses as never before, following his journey from fugitive of Egypt to prophet of God. In this exhilarating follow-up to H.B. Moore’s biblical drama The Moses Chronicles: Bondage, the account of Moses’s flight from Egypt continues. Moses’s life as he knew it is over. He has chosen to stand for his beliefs at the cost of being cast out of his royal home and family. He is free of the wickedness of Egypt, but peace is not to be found, for Moses is as much an aimless wanderer as those in the nomadic tribe he encounters in the wilderness.
Exhausted by long weeks of travel, he nevertheless jumps to action when he observes a group of young women accosted by a band of Badrayan men at a communal well. These lovely daughters of Jethro are grateful for his help, and their Midianite tribe welcomes Moses with open arms. As he learns the ways of the Midianites, his kinship with Jethro grows—as does his admiration of one of Jethro’s daughters, Zipporah. But when Moses suddenly receives a burning call to free the very people he has long oppressed, will he have the courage to return to the land from which he has been exiled?
My thoughts: This is the second book in a series, but the first that I have read. I didn't have a problem keeping up with the story, because I am familiar with the Biblical account.
This book begins after Moses left Egypt and wandered in the desert. I was amazed at how H.G. Moore brought the tribes of the harsh land alive for me. I thought about how it must have been to live during that time and circumstances. (I am very grateful for air conditioning, microwaves, etc.) It made me think about how the people who lived before us faced uncertainty and fought to survive every day.
The book made Moses and Zipporah human to me, instead of characters that I have to come to appreciate in the Bible. H.G. Moore has a gift at capturing emotion, description, and plot development. The book moved at a great pace and I liked that she had alternating perspectives between Moses and Zipporah.
This is a wonderful book to read. There is some violence between tribes and kissing.
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