My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Source: Netgalley (To review)
Genre: Historical Romance
Book Description: Due to her parents' promise at her birth, Lady Rosemarie has been prepared to become a nun on the day she turns eighteen. Then, a month before her birthday, a friend of her father's enters the kingdom and proclaims her parents' will left a second choice. If Rosemarie can marry before the eve of her eighteenth year, she will be exempt from the ancient vow.
Before long, Rosemarie is presented with the three most handsome and brave knights in the land. But when the competition for her heart seemingly results in a knight playing foul, she begins to wonder if the cloister is the best place after all. If only one of the knights the one who appears the most guilty had not already captured her heart.
My thoughts: I grew up loving medieval stories where the handsome knight fights the bad guys and captures the heart of the fair maiden. This story lived up to my childhood fantasies.
Rosemarie is planning on entering the convent on her 18th birthday. Before her birth, her parents entered into a covenant to have their first born child devote their life in church service. This is a sacred covenant and cannot be broken. There is a catch, if the child falls in love and marries on/before their 18th birthday, they may marry and be excused from church service.
This exception was unknown to Rosemary until one month before her birthday. Her Godfather, the noble knight, comes to give her a choice. He brings three knights with him who have different character and qualities that she may find attractive. He wants her to have a choice and not have regrets later in life.
The three knights were very different and enjoyable to read about. I found each one entertaining in their own way and could see the difficulty of her choice. Each had attributes that complimented her character, but there could only be one to win her heart.
Someone does not want her to choose. There is an antagonist that the reader is not sure who he is until close to the end. I really wasn't surprised by the revelation, but it was still fun to see the characters figure out who he was.
The book has some violence and references to torture methods. The second book will be coming out in March 0f 2016. I look forward to reading it. :)

As a busy mama-writer, she has the wonderful privilege of teaching her crew of 5 children at home. In between grading math papers and giving spelling tests, she occasionally does a load of laundry and washes dishes. When she's not busy being a mama, you can find her in front of her laptop working on another of her page-turning stories.
She loves reading almost as much as she loves writing, especially when it also involves chocolate and coffee.
Visit her WEBSITE.
I love books set in medieval stories....this sounds fantastic. Great review :)