Feeding Baby Release Party & National Giveaway
Hosted by
Fields of Flavor & Measuring Flower
2 Giveaways, $2000 in Prizes & 30 Winners
About Feeding Baby:
My thoughts: My children are older than babies, but I do hope to have grandchildren someday.
Four hours each week day I spend at a Jr High School serving kids lunch. Yes, I am a lunch lady. It is frustrating for us to enforce laws to make sure kids are given healthier choices to eat. Kids do not want it! They want the junk food and the fruits and vegetables are thrown in the garbage.
That's why I like the approach of this book. If children are taught from the time they are babies, it wouldn't be an issue to take fruits and vegetables. They would be grateful that the pizza is made with a wheat crust instead of a white crust.
This is found in the first chapter of the book.
Many parents focus on nutrition alone. They focus on the numbers of nutrition-eating 5 fruits and vegetables each day, drinking X amount of breast milk or formula ounces per day, or eating the recommended number of calories. Parents should pay attention to nutrition. After all, it is vital for growth and development. The problem occurs when parents focus too much on the numbers. Nutrition is just one component of healthy eating. Parents should also concentrate on the variety of foods and lifelong eating healthy behaviors.
I thought that this book would be a basic cookbook on foods that would be nutritious and palatable for babies. I was partially wrong. The book looks at ways to help babies explore, play with, taste, and learn to accept new foods. There is a very practical approach to teaching (yes, teaching) babies to like new foods.
Feeding Baby Book Signings & Events:
- September 15-October Book Signing Giveaway (#2): Click HERE
- September 20, 2014 Barnes & Nobles Hickory, NC 6:00 PM
- September 27, 2014 Vive Health and Fitness Kingston, Pa 8 AM-12 PM (All proceeds support Candy's Place)
- October 4, 2014, Hoyt Library Kingston, PA 10 AM- Informal Lecture: Ending Picky Eating & Raising an Eager Eater sponsored by Moms Holistic Network.
- October 15, 2014 Barnes & Nobles Wilkes Barre, Pa 7:00 PM
- October 19, 2014 Member Product MarketPlace Exhibitors @ FNCE Atlanta, Georgia Booth #9
The Prizes:
1 Winner: Vitamix 5200 Blender $450.00
1 Winner: Babycook by Beaba $150.00
9 Winners: Feeding Baby Books $180.00
1 Winner: Fairhaven Health and The Naked Nursing Tank Bundle: $142.00
Milkies Milk-Saver
Milkies Freeze
Nipple Nurture Balm
Nursing Time Tea
DreamBelly Stretch Mark Butter
1 Winner: Infant Book Bundle $100.00
Feeding Baby by Clancy Cash Harrison
Dinnertime Survival Guide by Sally Kuzemchak
Sally Kuzemchak, MS, RD
Sally Kuzemchak, MS, RD
Oh, Yes You Can Breastfeed Twins! by April Rudat
Getting to the Yum by Dr. Karen Le Billon
I will Breastfeed Anywhere by Jennifer Saleem
Milkies in the Morning by Jennifer Saleem
i agree, I have no problems with feeding my kid veges, but he seems to be more vegetarian than a meat eater