When I saw a post by Once Upon A Twilight calling out to bloggers to participate in this tour, I couldn't enter my info fast enough. The cover is intriguing, the date is the end of the Mayan calendar. Sounded like a huge win to me!
I wanted to find out
with whom or where would Killian want to be if the world suddenly came to an end. I am so
thrilled that she answered my question. I hope you enjoy her answers as much as I do!
Here is her answer:
When Lisa asked me to do this list, I thought the answer was going to be cut and dry. Where do I want to be when the world ends? Well, with my family of course. Having our dog there would be groovy too, but it's negotiable. Then I thought a little more, and I'm going to address the task in the spirit of, if the world was ending and you didn't know it until right as it was happening, fill the the top ten places that you could say, "Well, hell, the world is ending, but at least I'm in __________ while it happens, and that ain't bad."
1. ISTANBUL- This is the no brainer for history buffs. Istanbul was the crossroads of East, West, North and South Europe, Africa, Asia and Africa until the very recent past. In one day, you can experience 5,000 years of history, spanning everything from Hittites to the Byzantines to the Ottomans. Hagia Sophia, Topkapi Palace, the Golden Horn... perfect.
2. Monroe County, Michigan- My ancestral home. I think that one speaks for itself.
3. Prince Edward Island- I was a fanatic reader for L.M. Montgomery, and later a diehard follower of the movies and TV series produced based on her books by the CBC in the late 1980's to late 1990's. Somehow I think seeing some of those places I've seen only with my mind's eye would set a soul at ease.
4. Ireland- It's been a dream of mine to head to the Green Isle since a child.
5. Tuscany- I have a dream of giving up all my creature comforts and going to make olive oil.
6. Moorish Spain (for the architecture)- It's just one of those places you look at and feel like this is where God must have signed his name, using as his ink the hands of men to craft these buildings.
7. My grandmother's house- The refuge of all things good since first I took steps till I scribed this page. (12.21.12 is dedicated to my grandmother.)
8. Lake Tahoe- Despite the fact that I'm a (reluctant) Californian that hates most of California, Tahoe makes me feel like I'm one with nature. Until it snows. Then I'm one against nature. But it keeps me humble, and gives me an excuse to make cocoa.
9. Whitefish Point, Michigan. - Yeah, this is an odd one. Whitefish Point is an old lighthouse and shipwreck museum in Northern Michigan. Despite the sadness and despair one feels when hearing the harrowing tales of sailors lost and lives destroyed, there's something irreverent about the area that makes it feel almost holy.
10 A Secret Spot in Michigan only I know- I can't disclose where this is exactly, but I will tell you this: It's a little dell by a river side, where the river bends and changes direction like a woman changing her mind. Here, a tree has fallen over- perhaps years ago- but refuses to rot. The ducks and geese like to make nests along the banks at this spot- the water's but a few steps away and yet it's covered over in the canopy of the trees to protect from hawks and eagles. Water trickles over iced caps in winter, and in spring and summer, it lazes in the from north and pivots its last turn before flowing several miles away into the lake. The sunlight twinkles over the water like memories dancing before my eyes, and the air smells of the cycles of life: the rot of leaves, the turning of earth, the growth of moss, green and soft, on the bark of the trees. And when I close my eyes there, it tells me always, "Welcome."

I also get to do an eBook giveaway! Yay! One lucky winner will win an e-copy of 12.21.12. Please fill out the form below. You only need to leave your email address and name to enter. If you would like an extra entry, please leave a comment answering with whom or where would you like to be if the world came to an end. Please remember that I run a family friendly blog, and keep the answers clean. ; ) Only one comment will accepted as an extra entry. Please leave the name that you used in the entry form. Due to some adult content, contestants must be 17 and older to enter. I will run this contest until the end of the tour. The last day to enter will be on March 31, 11:59 pm Mountain Daylight Savings Time.
If you are interested in reading my thoughts on this book, see the review post right below this one.
Thanks, and best of luck on winning.
Check out all the tour fun at the participating blogs! Don't forget to stop by Once Upon a Twilight on the 31st for a chat with Killian.
Julie @ A Tale of Many Reviews - Review - March 1st 2011
Yelania @ The Itzel Library - Interview - March 2nd 2011
Damaris @ Good Choice Reading - Top Ten/Giveaway - March 3rd 2011
Mandy @ Twimom101's book blog - Interview - March 4th 2011
Casey @ Dark Readers Blog - Interview - March 5th 2011
Alisha @ My need to Read - Character post - March 6th 2011
Jules @ One Book Shy of a Full Shelf - Interview/Giveaway - March 7th 2011
Lisa K. @ Baffled Books - review - March 8th 2011
Sarah @ The Book Bee - Character Interview - March 9th 2011
Page @ One Book at a time - Guest post/Interview - March 10th 2011
Michelle @ Hooked To Books - Giveaway/Review - March 11th 2011
Kristin @ My Bookish Ways - Review/Interview - March 12th 2011
Celine @ Nyx Book Reviews - Top Ten - March 13th 2011
Sherri @ Urban Girl Reader - review/Q&A/giveaway - March 14th 2011
Cherry @ Cherry Mischievous - Guest post - March 15th 2011
Bianca @ Sweet Nothings xo - review/giveaway - March 16th 2011
Rebecca @ My Life with Boys and Books - review - March 17th 2011
Megan @ A Trail of Books Left Behind - review/character interview - March 18th 2011
Jennifer @ Ponytails Book Reviews - review - March 19th 2011
Tammy @ Into The Mystic - - March 20th 2011
Lisa @ Bookworm Lisa - Top Ten/Giveaway - March 21st 2011
Tara @ Taming the Bookshelf - - March 22nd 2011
Rachel @ Parajunkee's View - - March 23rd 2011
Melissa @ I Swim for Oceans - review/interview - March 24th 2011
Kathy @ I Am A Reader, Not A Writer - giveaway/interview - March 25th 2011
Christin @ Between the Covers - review - March 26th 2011
Stacy @ Girls in the Stacks - review - March 27th 2011
Ash @ Smash Attack Reads - character interview - March 28th 2011
Aleetha @ bacaan-ally blog - review - March 29th 2011
Ashlie @ Bookish Novelties - review/interview - March 30th 2011
Yara @ Once Upon a Twilight - Review/Giveaway - March 31st 2011
Once Upon a Twilight Author Live chat - March 31st 2011 @ 9pm C