Sunday, February 26, 2023

Cover reveal ~ "Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Lord: A Mystery" by Celeste Connally with a giveaway!

Bridgerton meets Agatha Christie in Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Lord, a dazzling first entry in a terrific new Regency-era cozy series with a feminist spin.

When Lady Petra Forsyth’s fiancé and soulmate dies just weeks ahead of their wedding,

she makes the shocking proclamation―in front of London’s loosest lips―that she will never

remarry. A woman of independent means, Petra sees no reason to cede her wealth and

freedom to any man now that the love of her life has passed, nor does she intend to become

confined to her country home. Instead, she uses her title to gain access to elite spaces and

enjoy the best of society without expectations.

But when ballroom gossip suggests that a longtime friend has died of “melancholia” while

in the care of a questionable physician, Petra vows to use her status to dig deeper―

uncovering a private asylum where men pay to have their wives and daughters locked away,

or worse. Just as Lady Petra has reason to believe her friend is not dead, but a prisoner, her

own headstrong actions and thirst for independence are used to put her own freedom in


About the AuthorCeleste Connally is an Agatha Award nominee, and a former freelance writer and editor. A lifelong devotee of historical novels and adaptations fueled by her passion for history—plus weekly doses of PBS Masterpiece—Celeste loves reading and writing about women from the past who didn’t always do as they were told.



Author Celeste Connally and her publisher Minotaur Books are generously offering a fabulous

giveaway for your readers that you can add to your post and on social media.

Giveaway Details:

Two (2) winners (selected at random by Rafflecopter) will receive one (1) advanced reader’s

paperback copy of Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Lord.  One (1) winner (selected at random by Rafflecopter) will receive one (1) advanced reader’s

paperback copy of Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Lord and a gift prize package containing the following: 

  1. A Jane Austen 'Obstinate, Headstrong Girl' mug from the Jane Austen Centre giftshop. 

  2. A bookmark, and a bookplate signed by the author.

  3. A medley of Harney & Sons teas in various flavors individually wrapped teabags. 

  4. A handmade ceramic tea tidy in the shape of a teapot for teabags.

  5. A box of English tea biscuits. 

Giveaway period: Open from 12:01 am Pacific time 02/22/23 until 11:59pm Pacific time on 03/19/23.

Terms & Conditions:

The giveaway is hosted by Celeste Connally and Minotaur Books. No purchase is necessary.

Entrants must be 18 years or older. Open to US residents only. All information will remain

confidential and will not be sold or otherwise used, except to notify the winner and to facilitate

postage of the books and prizes to the winners. Void where prohibited. One giveaway item per

eligible entrant. 

Announcement of Winner: 

Visit author Celeste Connally’s website on March 20, 2023, to see if you won one of the three prizes.


1 comment:

  1. Stunning cover. Thanks for sharing, Lisa. I am looking forward to meeting Connally new forward thinking heroine.


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