My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Genre: Inspiration/Religion
Source: Purchased a copy for Kindle
Book Description: Latter-day youth and parents need spiritual resilience to face the future head-on. How do you get it? How do you teach it? Nephi had these same questions. His answers will lead your family to resilient faith.
Raising youth who are Spirit-led and resilient requires parents who are Spirit-led and resilient. Christ can enable you to build faithful strength together with your children-in a way that uniquely fits your family.
In Spiritual Resilience, author and youth leader Sharla Goettl uncovers Nephi's insights for parents on how, as a teenager, he developed his powerful testimony of Christ. His message will impact how you teach your children. You will learn how to:
Determine the next step in your situation.
Discover your unique role in God's plan.
Fill the gaps in your faith.
Motivate youth to make righteous choices.
Act fearlessly by understanding your covenants.
Feel confident you can succeed with Christ's help.
You can be exactly what your family needs-learning, as Nephi did, to prepare for an unpredictable future. Spiritual Resilience offers a blueprint for families to become spiritually prepared and committed to answering Jesus Christ's call to "go and do."
My thoughts: I love the take that Sharla Goettl shares about this strange time we live in. She shares insights on how we can share the gospel with children/family while the world is in turmoil.
I highlighted a few quotes that illustrate some of the key points that I have taken away from this book.
"Time would not have been taken from our church meetings if Christ did not believe more personalized family instruction would be most instructive. We may feel ill prepared, that we have few options, or that we are strapped for time and resources. I contend that we have what we need for now—for the next few steps, at least."
"The question should not be whether the light is available, but whether we are recognizing these ideas as prompting from the Holy Ghost and following where they lead."
"It may help our children feel more comfortable talking to us about their struggles if we show humility and honesty about our own."
The book isn't all about children, there are many ideas that I am working on incorporating into my own life. If you are looking for a book that lifts your spirit and makes you think about your spirituality, this would be a great one to pick up.
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About the Author: My Savior has taught me not to fear. From a young age, he promised me I did not need to fear loneliness because I was baptized into a church fellowship. I now know I do not need to fear inadequacy because I can repent, again and again. I do not need to fear worthlessness because of the destiny described in my temple experience. I do not need to fear losing my way because the Holy Ghost, my prophet, and the scriptures guide my steps.
I have served as a youth leader almost every year of my adult life. As a stake Young Women president and parent of three teenage daughters, I felt an urgent responsibility to find better answers to teenagers' reoccurring questions. I felt I needed to find a better way to prepare them for a future that can be bright, but unpredictable. How can we build a consistent faith of action like Nephi's, Mary's, Daniel's or Esther's? What did they know that helped them do what they did? I have been looking for answers to these questions so it can be helpful to my children and to yours.
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Thanks for the wonderful book review and recommendation!