Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Ming's Christmas Wishes by Susan L. Gong


Ming's Christmas WishesMing's Christmas Wishes by Susan L. Gong
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Source: Netgalley (to review)
Genre: Children's Christmas Picture Book

Book Description Inspired by family stories.

Ming wishes for three things at Christmas. First, to sing in the school Christmas choir. Second, to have a Christmas tree like the one in the department store window. And third, to feel she belongs somewhere.

As a daughter of immigrants in 1930s California, Ming is often treated differently than other children at school. She’s pointedly not invited to sing in the Christmas choir. At home, when Ming lobbies her parents for a Christmas tree, her mother scolds her for trying to be American. Ming doesn’t seem to fit in anywhere: she’s not quite American enough at school, not quite Chinese enough at home.

Seeing his daughter’s unhappiness, Pop takes her into the mountains to visit a wise old friend. Always happy for an adventure with her kind father, Ming hopes to persuade Pop to bring home a mountain pine to be their Christmas tree. But he has something else in mind, something that will help Ming draw strength from nature, from their Chinese heritage, and from deep and enduring family ties.

My thoughts: This is a children's picture book that tells the story through the eyes of Ming, a young Chinese girl living in America. It is hard for children to feel as if they are different from their peers. Ming struggles because she does not feel like she fully belongs to either culture.

This is a cute picture book. Ming learns a little more about her family and their struggles. In the end, Ming learns the power of compromise.

The illustrations are beautiful.  I could easily see myself looking at the details with a small child.  It's a great book for talking to children about strength, resilience, taking pride in your ancestry, and even talking about tolerance for someone who has different beliefs or customs.

Online Purchase Links:

Affiliate link for Amazon

About the Author:  Susan L. Gong is a former teacher of Mandarin Chinese. She holds a BA in English literature and an MA in creative writing. She and her family have lived in Asia, Europe, and North America.

Monday, November 23, 2020

Blog Tour Grand Finale ~ "Cupcakes & Crumbs" by Melissa McClone #CCPrism #Giveaway


On Tour with Prism Book Tours

We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops
you'll find snippets, as well as the link to each full post, below:

Launch - Author Interview

What do you hope readers will take with them after they’ve read it?

I hope readers will feel like they made new friends they want to know them better, want to eat a cupcake, and plan a visit to Berry Lake, Washington.

"This was a delightfully fast paced beginning to an exciting new series . . . The [writing] is exceptional, the [characters] feel real and "draws" the reader into the group. . . . Surely this series will become a favorite and it is "clean"!"

"Cupcakes & Crumbs by Melissa McClone is a new book and a series that is a wonderful read for fans of women’s friendship and a clean romance. These girls are all about being friends and helping each other out instead of dragging them down. Ms. McClone is a brilliant author, and I like her writing style as well. . . I am recommending it."

Hallie Reads - Review

"Melissa McClone’s Cupcakes & Crumbs is a deliciously sweet story of friendship. While I did have a hard time with all the characters at the beginning, I did settle into the story well and enjoyed their various perspectives and circumstances. I look forward to reading more of McClone’s Berry Lake Cupcake Posse series."

As Top 40 hits from the seventies and eighties—Elise’s favorite music—drifted in from the front of the shop, Missy filled baking cups with vanilla batter. The scent tickled her nose. The grumbling of her stomach reminded her she’d skipped her break and lunch. And her tastebuds whispered mine at the same time she imagined Elise shouting, Why eat plain vanilla when there are more flavorful combinations?

Missy laughed. Even though plain vanilla cupcakes with vanilla icing were foundations for other flavors, Elise hadn’t sold them except for special orders. Missy, however, enjoyed vanilla cupcakes. Dare she say they were her favorite? The simplicity appealed to her in a way the more creative fillings and toppings didn’t.

"I've really enjoyed this book, I was entranced from the beginning and I was really invested in the lives of this diverse group of friends that try to support each other even if many years has passed from last time they have seen each other.

Melissa McClone did an excellent job of depicting these characters and [tying] their lives to one [another], her writing was easy to read and that ending made me so curious I can't wait to get next book in this series."

As Juliet’s upper teeth sunk into her lower lip, she stopped herself. That would ruin her lipstick, and if Ezra happened to arrive home, he would notice.

She glanced at the messages again. If she didn’t plan on going, she should let Nell know.

I want to go.

The thought resonated through Juliet. She didn’t ask for much these days—other than a kind word from her husband and time with her grandmother—but she wanted tonight with her former coworkers and friends.

Some claimed there were no stupid questions, but Bria disagreed. How did people think she was doing when her heart was in pieces, as if sliced and diced by a skilled teppanyaki chef?

Forget replying with anything other than an “I’m fine” or “I’m okay” or “I’m doing better.” No one wanted to hear the truth about how angry she was at cancer, at the doctors, and at her aunt. Especially Aunt Elise for stopping her treatments, throwing herself an over-the-top goodbye party, and leaving this world on her terms.

So typical.

"Cupcakes and Crumbs is a book full of friendships with a little mystery throw-in. I loved Bria and how she wants to save her aunt’s bakery shop. . . . I recommend reading the book to see what happens to all the characters."

"This is a new to me author and I loved that I was pulled into the world of these five women and their home town of Berry Lake. . . . The push and pull of all the relationships within this town were enough to make me keep turning the pages to see what would happen . . ."

"There’s just something about the combination of cupcakes and friendship that bring a warm, comforting feeling to a book. And such a feeling was stirred when I picked up my copy of Cupcakes and Crumbs by Melissa McClone. . . . I appreciated the fact that romance was not the central plot point, but friendship was. There aren’t enough books out there in the adult genre that focus solely on friendship and not on romance, so I loved that small touch. . . . Overall, Cupcakes and Crumbs is a beautiful balance between light and heavy, charming and serious, and friendship and romance."

"These characters have so much depth. I appreciate how diverse the author made them. . . . Fair warning: Cupcakes & Crumbs isn’t a stand-alone story. It’s just the beginning, and it’ll leave you hanging on lots of things! However, you just have to read it. I had tears in my eyes more than once while I was reading. It’s not all sunshine and roses but neither is “real” life. . . . I can’t recommend Cupcakes & Crumbs enough! Anyone who loves women’s fiction with lots of real life issues, a little romance, and a lot of heartwarming moments will love this book."

Splashes of Joy - Review

"I did love the friendship coming back to life as the ladies worked together to save this special bakery Bria’s aunt loved so well. The characters were well created, and interesting to say the least. As the story unfolds, the characters develop well, and I could feel a definite change in their attitude. . . . I am eager to find out what happens to this group of friends, as well as Bria and the difficult person her dad hires to get the Bakery back in order."

"I found this a sweet, charming, and quick little read. It didn’t hurt this was written in short chapters which made reading it quite the breeze as I kept moving along. McClone really kept the pacing going and didn’t “bog” down the story at any one point. I was over 100+ pages in the first sitting. So, it was difficult to put it down. I wanted to devour and yet savor this sweet read and that was about the only conflict I had with it."

"What pulls me into the writing style of Melissa McClone is her realistic approach to telling Bria's story - this is why I love reading Women's Fiction because at the heart of the genre itself is a threading of a woman's life from all aspects of how she lives it. . . . These kinds of stories are a refreshing read . . ."

"Cupcakes & Crumbs by Melissa McClone is clean, women’s fiction that will appeal to readers who enjoy stories of female friendships. Though there are some budding romances, the story focuses on the power of friendship and how it can support, encourage, and enhance life. In several ways, this novel’s ending was left open and served as set up for the rest of the series."

Goose bumps covered her arms. Her muscles bunched. “Dalton.”

He covered her hand with his. “Relax, Bri.”

No one else had ever called her that. And forget about relaxing when her pulse shot off the charts. “I’m not sure I can.”

"Try.” Dalton lifted his hand, and a chill rushed up her arm as if missing his touch. “Tonight is dinner with an old friend. Nothing more.”

Pause for Tales - Review

"I enjoyed watching these once upon a time work friends spend time together. True friendship is what they had, and Elise brought them together in her life and in her death. . . . I enjoyed getting to know each one of these women. I would not say this is a stand alone story as it ended on a bit of a shocker for one of these women, and I would like to see to see a resolution there."

"Cupcakes & Crumbs was a pure delight to read and exactly what I would expect from Melissa McClone. I have loved reading her books in the past and this one does not disappoint. . . . I can not wait to get my hands on the second installment from the Berry Lake Cupcake Posse series, Tiaras & Teacups, to see what happens next. I recommend this one for readers who enjoys a good, clean and heartwarming read."

Remembrancy - Review

"I was not ready for this book to end (so it’s a good thing this is the first in a series). Cupcakes & Crumbs follows five women who formed friendships as teenagers while working at a local cupcake shop. . . . While this is a quick women’s fiction read, there is a little something for all readers mixed in—a light touch of romance, some mystery, and lots of conflict."

"Cupcakes & Crumbs is a well-written novel that fills you with all the feels. A dash of romance, mystery, and small town charm round out the conflict that leaves none of the friends untouched. Readers become emotionally invested in these main characters, and I’m very glad to see that this is the beginning of a series because I wasn’t ready to say goodbye yet. . . . McClone’s writing voice is smooth and relatable, making this a quick and engaging read"

Bookworm Lisa - Review

"I don't read a lot of women's literature. After reading this book, I think I have been missing out.
The story follows five friends who worked at a cupcake store together as teens and young adults. . . . I look forward to reading more about these women. The story left at a good spot for closure, but there is a lot left to tell."

Don't forget to enter the giveaway at the end of this post...

Cupcakes & Crumbs
(Berry Lake Cupcake Posse #1)
By Melissa McClone
Women's Fiction
Paperback & ebook, 237 Pages
November 17, 2020 by Cardinal Press, LLC

After life takes five women on different paths, a death brings them home. But friendship might not be enough to keep them together.

When Bria Landon and her estranged father each inherit fifty percent of a small-town cupcake shop, her dad hires her worst enemy, and first love, to turn the place into a soulless franchise…or sell it.

To save her aunt’s legacy, Bria needs the help of people who love the bakery as much as she does—her old friends who worked there fifteen years ago. Except each woman is dealing with her own problem:

Juliet, who's trying to prove she’s more than a trophy wife; Missy, a widow who fears losing the job she loves; Nell, who's meddling mother won't stop playing matchmaker; and Selena, a life coach who excels at fixing everyone else's lives...but hasn't a clue what's missing in her own.

Each woman wants to believe their friendship can overcome anything. But as the Berry Lake Cupcake Posse reunite to save their beloved cupcake shop, they soon discover the undertaking will bring more trouble than they expected.

(Affiliate links included.)

Bookstagram Tour

Check out the Bookstagram Tour here, which has its own giveaway!

About the Author

USA TODAY bestselling author Melissa McClone writes heartwarming women’s fiction and sweet contemporary romance novels for Cardinal Press, Tule Publishing Group, and Harlequin Books. When she’s not writing relatable characters and sigh-worthy happy endings, she spends rainy Pacific Northwest reading from her Kindle’s ever-growing TBR, napping, and decorating her Happy Planner. Melissa lives in Washington state with her husband, three children, a Norwegian Elkhound, and three cats who think they rule the house. They do!
Tour Giveaway

A Cupcakes & Crumbs Prize Pack, which includes:
A $10 Amazon gift card, cupcake makeup bag set, cupcake charm, cupcake socks, set of magnetic clips, lip gloss, key chain, sticker, swag pack, and bookmark (US only)

Ends November 25, 2020

Grab Our Button!

Friday, November 20, 2020

A Revolution of Hearts by Ronda Gibb Hinrichsen #giveaway #blogtour #historicalfiction


A Revolution of HeartsA Revolution of Hearts by Ronda Gibb Hinrichsen
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Source:  Received to Review
Genre: Historical Romance

Book Description Secrets, spies, and hidden love. Which will strike first?

Born to a life of wealth and status, Mademoiselle Dacia de Prideux is every inch the glittering aristocrat. However, her brother, Marcel, is an outspoken political activist, and with the country on the verge of the French Revolution, he has made dangerous enemies—one of whom takes Marcel’s life. When Dacia is accused of the unthinkable crime, she finds refuge with her dear friend Marguerite St. Just, who believes there is one man with the means to help: the wealthy fop, Sir Percy Blakeney.
Intent on rescuing people from perilous circumstances, Richard Harris, wealthy English landowner and member of Sir Percy’s league of gentleman heroes, has been assigned to protect Dacia. Hiding her in plain sight and masquerading her as a housemaid at his estate, Richard soon comes to trust the beautiful woman under his protection, and their feelings for each other grow stronger each day. But Marcel’s murderer will never stop pursuing Dacia, and she will need both her cunning and Richard’s connection to the legendary Scarlet Pimpernel to survive.

My thoughts: I had a hard time putting this book down. It captured my interest from the beginning.

Dacia is a French aristocratic woman. She has been accused of murder by her brother's murderer. Her flight through Paris is descriptive and captivating. The help she receives in escaping to England is very entertaining. The way the men worked together and covered their tracks is enjoyable.

Dacia is a strong woman. Her ability to go on, in spite of her obstacles, shows her character. It was also nice that there were a group of Englishmen who tried to help people in need. I liked the overall theme and feel of the story.

The romance is slow to build. In fact, the characters do not realize their feelings for a while. But, as a reader, I knew.

The book contains non-graphic violence.

Online Purchase Links:

 (Amazon affiliate link included.)

About the Author:  Award-winning author, Ronda Hinrichsen (also writing as Kathleen Marks) and her family own a small farm located between the beautiful Rocky Mountains and the Great Salt Lake where she regularly sees eagles, hawks, owls, and ducks. Lots of ducks. She is the author of independently and traditionally published romantic suspense, non-fiction, and speculative books as well as numerous magazine articles and stories for children and adults. She also enjoys teaching about writing in conference and classroom settings. To learn more about Ronda, visit her website at

Read an Excerpt:



April 20, 1789


Soon will meet with the love of my life, Dacia de Prideaux thought

as their driver stopped the carriage in front of Paris’s celebrated theater,

la Comédie-Française. Marcel, Dacia de Prideaux’s brother, cracked open

the carriage door. Cold wind gusted inside against the carriage’s back wall

even as rain plastered it from the outside. Dacia hunched her shoulders,

shielding herself from the cold, and touched her hairline at the base of her

neck. So far, her pouf hairstyle—including the glass star-shaped jewels her

lady’s maid had added to represent what she had called un beau ciel blond,

a lovely blond sky—had withstood the weather.

“I fear even the umbrella will do us little good in this weather,” Marcel

said. “We must rush for the entrance.”

Dacia hugged Sunna, her pet bichon, against her chest and scooted to

the edge of her seat.

“Or perhaps, Sister,” Marcel continued, “you would prefer we forgo

our evening with Romeo and Juliet? You might wish to spend the whole

of it in front of the fireplace, wrapped in a blanket and”—he smirked—

“reading one of my latest manuscripts.”

“Your teasing will get you nowhere. You know very well I would not

forgo this evening for anything, especially not for one of your philosophies

on the proper use of political power. King Louis is the monarch, and that

is that.”

Marcel, still smirking, stepped outside. He pointed his umbrella toward

the wind and helped Dacia from the carriage. The two then hurried alongside

several other patrons over the wet cobblestone road and up the theater’s

staircase. They passed the line of uniformed guards, who with their rifles

propped over their shoulders, stood between the theater’s pillars and arched

doorways, warning all by their very presence that while some jeers and shouts

at the actors might be tolerated, on all accounts order would be maintained.

If only such measures actually worked.

Dacia and Marcel entered the theater’s vestibule and moved to the tall

round pillar closest to the wide staircase. After ascertaining Sunna, still cradled

in her arms, was none the worse for the rain, Dacia scanned the crowd. She

focused more on the stiff-fitted frock coats than the shimmering silks.

“You are certain our box is close to Noah’s?” she asked.

“Our box is as close to the de Lévis’s as I could procure without revealing

your purpose. Now, calm yourself, Sister. I am sure that no matter where

we are, you and your betrothed will find one another.”

“Hush.” She glanced at the men and women on either side of them.

“Noah and I are not engaged.”

“A fact time will very soon correct.”

“Monsieur de Prideaux?” a man’s voice said. “It is you, is it not?”

Both Dacia and Marcel turned to the squat man behind them. By the

looks of his gray coat and simple powdered wig, he was very likely in trade—

doing well, if the cut of his coat spoke the truth of the matter, but still in trade.

“I am Monsieur de Prideaux,” Marcel said. “What can I do for you,


“Oh my. Nothing. Nothing at all. I only wanted to congratulate you on

your last essay on man’s right for happiness. Not many men would dare refer

to the corruption within our justice system or announce so publicly that the

peasants’ sons should not be forced into military service while the bourgeoisie’s

sons are not”—he lowered his voice—“though, many of us do say it in private.”

Not that again. Dacia frowned as several more men and just as many

women gathered round her brother. Next, they would be blaming the aristocracy

for the bread riots, as if it was their fault the weather had destroyed

France’s crops. Could they help what God decreed? At any rate, that fact

alone was proof enough the plebeians did not have enough sense to rule

themselves, much less all of France.

A masked Harlequin—one of the actors, no doubt—dressed in a

patterned costume of red, white, and black diamonds approached Marcel

and handed him a triple-folded note.


Marcel finished speaking with his latest admirer and read the note’s

contents. He handed the Harlequin a coin. “Tell the sender I am most

happy to meet with him after the performance.”

“Very good, monsieur.”

“On second thought . . .”

“Oui, monsieur?”

“Tell Monsieur Robespierre he may share our box this evening, if it

would please him to do so.” Marcel slipped the note inside his coat pocket

and told the man the location of their box on the second floor.

“Morbleu, Marcel,” Dacia said when the Harlequin had disappeared in

the crowd. “The two of you will be talking so much, you will forget all about

why we are here. You know how important this evening is to me.”

“Robespierre’s presence will not spoil your surprise. Truly, Sister, after

having been so many years away at school, de Lévis will certainly be anxious

to see you again.”

“That is the trouble. It has been years. What if he has forgotten me?”

“Do be serious. Surely his letters have left you no room for doubt on

that score.”

“You are right.” Dacia smiled, but inside her thoughts hitched. Was

Marcel right? The last letter she had received from Noah had arrived two

months ago. She had told herself he had not corresponded more because he

was busy finishing his school responsibilities and making arrangements for

his travel home; but after the first month had passed with no communication,

her certainty of his love for her had fallen prey to doubt, ridiculous though

it was.

Another of Marcel’s admirers approached, and Dacia stepped slightly

back from her brother. She rubbed Sunna’s neck, a little too anxiously, she suspected,

and again searched the crowd. No Noah. Her sources had been correct,

had they not, in saying Noah would be there that night? Or . . . maybe . . . had

he in fact heard she too would be at the theater and had wished to avoid seeing

her? By all reports, he had been home for a week. Surely, with an entire week

at his disposal, he could have found time to see her. They had been inseparable

in the weeks before he had left. And she simply could not have misunderstood

the note, consisting only of two hand-drawn lovebirds, that he had given her

their last evening together. Noah, Noah . . . where are you?




Attachments area

Cupcakes & Crumbs by Melissa McClone #CCPrism #giveaway


On Tour with Prism Book Tours

Cupcakes & Crumbs
(Berry Lake Cupcake Posse #1)
By Melissa McClone
Women's Fiction
Paperback & ebook, 237 Pages
November 17, 2020 by Cardinal Press, LLC
My rating:  4 of 5 stars

After life takes five women on different paths, a death brings them home. But friendship might not be enough to keep them together.

When Bria Landon and her estranged father each inherit fifty percent of a small-town cupcake shop, her dad hires her worst enemy, and first love, to turn the place into a soulless franchise…or sell it.

To save her aunt’s legacy, Bria needs the help of people who love the bakery as much as she does—her old friends who worked there fifteen years ago. Except each woman is dealing with her own problem:

Juliet, who's trying to prove she’s more than a trophy wife; Missy, a widow who fears losing the job she loves; Nell, who's meddling mother won't stop playing matchmaker; and Selena, a life coach who excels at fixing everyone else's lives...but hasn't a clue what's missing in her own.

Each woman wants to believe their friendship can overcome anything. But as the Berry Lake Cupcake Posse reunite to save their beloved cupcake shop, they soon discover the undertaking will bring more trouble than they expected.

My thoughts: I don't read a lot of women's literature. After reading this book, I think I have been missing out.

The story follows five friends who worked at a cupcake store together as teens and young adults. Life happened and they grew apart. The story begins about 15 years later.

The death of the owner brings them together and they help each other with unique challenges. I loved their relationship and how they complimented each other. They each have strengths and weaknesses, they help each other through some pretty tough circumstances.

I look forward to reading more about these women. The story left at a good spot for closure, but there is a lot left to tell.

Source: I received a complimentary copy. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own. 
(Affiliate links included.)

About the Author

USA TODAY bestselling author Melissa McClone writes heartwarming women’s fiction and sweet contemporary romance novels for Cardinal Press, Tule Publishing Group, and Harlequin Books. When she’s not writing relatable characters and sigh-worthy happy endings, she spends rainy Pacific Northwest reading from her Kindle’s ever-growing TBR, napping, and decorating her Happy Planner. Melissa lives in Washington state with her husband, three children, a Norwegian Elkhound, and three cats who think they rule the house. They do!
Tour Schedule

Tour Giveaway

A Cupcakes & Crumbs Prize Pack, which includes:
A $10 Amazon gift card, cupcake makeup bag set, cupcake charm, cupcake socks, set of magnetic clips, lip gloss, key chain, sticker, swag pack, and bookmark (US only)

Ends November 25, 2020

Grab Our Button!

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Delightful romance and suspense : "Sprinkled With Sabotage" by Allison Pearl #giveaway #SSPrism


On Tour with Prism Book Tours

Sprinkled with Sabotage
(Love and Danger in St. Claire #3)
By Allison Pearl
Christian Romantic Suspense
Paperback & ebook, 164 Pages
October 27, 2020 by Anaiah Press
My rating:  4 of 5 stars

Book Description:  Lizzy Bennet loves life as a lawyer in the city. And not just because of the miles it puts between her and her ex. However, when she’s attacked on the street just hours after learning her identity was stolen, she tries to call home for help and ends up with the last person she expects: the very same high school boyfriend who broke her heart. He says he’s there to help, but she’s not so sure, and now, all the endless questions and regrets are clouding her judgment and preventing her from seeing the dangerous saboteur closing in.

Small-town auto mechanic, Koby Knightly, is looking forward to seeing a car show in the city. But when an unexpected call from his old girlfriend disconnects suddenly, he rushes to her aid. Throwing his plans out the window, Koby makes it his mission to protect her and discover the identity of the person trying to frame her. Will he also be able to figure out what went wrong between them back in high school or will a killer get to her first?

My thoughts:  This was a great escape novel for me. My interest and imagination were captured from the first page.

Lizzy is an up and coming lawyer. She is hoping to be named as a partner in her firm. While walking home from a work party she is attacked and while reaching out for help, she accidentally called her ex-boyfriend. Whoops! No, actually, yay!

Koby just happens to be in town for a car show and swoops in to rescue Lizzy. They obviously still have feelings for each other and are really good at arguing. The arguments in some ways are pretty funny and sometimes resemble banter. I loved the back and forth between the characters.

The book contains suspense. Someone is out to get Lizzy. First, there is the attack, and then it is revealed that she is being framed for criminal activity. It is not turning out to be her week.

I loved the blend between the genres. There was just enough romance and suspense to keep me turning the pages. This is the third book in a series but can be read as a stand-alone. I look forward to reading the first two books at a later date. They are available using Kindle Unlimited, so it makes it easy for me.

Source: I received a complimentary copy, but decided to use Kindle Unlimited. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.

(Affiliate link included.)

Other Books in the Series

(Linked to Amazon affiliate links.)

About the Author

Allison Pearl is a small-town girl who’s lived just about everywhere. She loves books, tea, chocolate, and watching old movies with her husband, black lab, and orange tabby. To keep in touch and get updates on new releases follow her Facebook page ‘Books by Pearl’ at or follow her on Twitter at @AllisonPearl5 and Instagram at @allisonnicolepearl.

Tour Schedule

Tour Giveaway

1 winner will receive a $50 Amazon eGift Card (open internationally)

Ends November 29, 2020

Grab Our Button!

Friday, November 13, 2020

The Santa Box ~ A heartwarming film that highlights the spirit of Christmas. #heartwarmingchrismtmas #giveaway

 What it's About:  Kallie thinks she's cursed by Christmas. For the past 5 years, something bad has happened every Christmas season. One day she finds THE SANTA BOX on her doorstep. Inside is a note that changes how Kallie feels about Christmas forever.

My thoughts:  It's hard to enjoy Christmas when life seems to become more difficult during the holiday.  Kallie and her mother are forced to move when their apartment moves down.  They are lead  to a place where they receive a break on the rent.  The downside is that they move across the street from a busybody who strives to build herself up by tearing everyone else down.

A new neighbor who is described as a "Nazi" is the sweetest elderly gentleman who takes Kallie under his wing and helps her discover the joy in life and in the season.    There is the Santa Box.  You write your wish and set the box out on the porch at night.  She brings joy to those around her when she makes her wishes.

Kallie rediscovers Christmas and makes some friends along the way.

This is a heartwarming film that would be suitable for all family members.

Watch the trailer:

The Santa Box_Theatrical_Trailer1 from Ron Brough on Vimeo.

Online Purchase Links:

Amazon * Desert Book * Seagull Book

For more information:  Visit the IMDB link.

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Gentleman Jim by Mimi Matthews #regencyromance #blogtour #GentlemanJim #SwashbucklingHero


Gentleman JimGentleman Jim by Mimi Matthews
My rating: 4.5 of 5 stars
Source:  Received to Review
Genre:  Regency Romance

Book Description:  She Couldn't Forget...

Wealthy squire's daughter Margaret Honeywell was always meant to marry her neighbor, Frederick Burton-Smythe, but it's bastard-born Nicholas Seaton who has her heart. Raised alongside her on her father's estate, Nick is the rumored son of notorious highwayman Gentleman Jim. When Fred frames him for theft, Nick escapes into the night, vowing to find his legendary sire. But Nick never returns. A decade later, he's long been presumed dead.

He Wouldn't Forgive...

After years spent on the continent, John Beresford, Viscount St. Clare has finally come home to England. Tall, blond, and dangerous, he's on a mission to restore his family's honor. If he can mete out a bit of revenge along the way, so much the better. But he hasn't reckoned for Maggie Honeywell. She's bold and beautiful--and entirely convinced he's someone else.

As danger closes in, St. Clare is torn between love and vengeance. Will he sacrifice one to gain other? Or, with a little daring, will he find a way to have them both?

My thoughts:  I wasn't sure what I was expecting when I started reading this book, I thought it might be about someone named Jim. He is part of the story, but not the focus.

This book follows Maggie and Nicholas. They were childhood friends that realized that they loved each other as teenagers. Nicholas is forced to flee his home when the neighboring son of a landowner, Frederick, accuses him of stealing Maggie's jewelry. The word of a servant does not carry the weight of someone with money.

The book picks up ten years later when Maggie makes a clandestine trip to ask the Viscount who is going to duel Frederick not to kill him. Her father has entrusted her care to him when he passed away. He has control over her finances and whom she marries. She faints when the Viscount bears a striking resemblance to Nicholas.

This book.... sigh. I honestly enjoyed every moment of it. The relationship between Viscount St. Clair and Maggie is intriguing. She speaks to him just as she did Nicholas. She's not afraid to voice her opinion and take chances. She is a strong female MC set in Regency England. The banter and the relationship that they share is fantastic.

The book also deals with extended family who wants to secure their future and threaten the legitimacy of St. Clair's claim. I honestly did not like them one bit. I didn't like Fred either. They get lumped in with him at one point and they become less likable together. Anywho.....

If you are looking for a fast-paced Regency Romance with intrigue and fantastic characters you should definitely read this one!

Source: I received a complimentary copy. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.

About the Author:  USA Today bestselling author Mimi Matthews writes both historical nonfiction and award-winning proper Victorian romances. Her novels have received starred reviews in Library JournalPublishers Weekly, and Kirkus, and her articles have been featured on the Victorian Web, the Journal of Victorian Culture, and in syndication at BUST Magazine. In her other life, Mimi is an attorney. She resides in California with her family, which includes a retired Andalusian dressage horse, a Sheltie, and two Siamese cats. Her next romance, The Siren of Sussex, will be out in 2022 from Berkley/Penguin Random House




"Tartly elegant. . . A vigorous, sparkling, and entertaining love story with plenty of Austen-ite wit."— Kirkus Reviews, starred review

"Matthews ups the ante with a wildly suspenseful romance..."— Library Journal, starred review

"Equally passionate and powerful...Mimi Matthews proves once again that she is a master of historical fiction in Gentleman Jim."— Readers' Favorite

"Rollicking and romantic, passionate and intriguing...Regency romance does not get any better than Gentleman Jim."— Relz Reviewz