Friday, August 30, 2019

Robin and Marian by Stephanie Fowers

Robin and Marian by Stephanie FowersRobin and Marian: A Clean Billionaire Romance in Merry New England by Stephanie Fowers
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Source: Received to Review
Genre: Contemporary Suspense/Romance

Book Description:  Who says Chivalry is dead? 
Robin King lives up to the legendary name of Robin Hood more than he should—a bigshot billionaire and successor of King enterprises, a Prince of Mischief and a rogue who steals hearts ... and maybe even a few kisses. He never thought he’d follow the storyline so closely, until the day he gets in trouble with the law and pays the price—all for protecting his younger sister Scarlett. 

Taken in by an Outlaw 
Marian is a hard-hitting reporter … or would be if the New England Chronicle would stop assigning her puff pieces. Now she has the chance to prove herself, but it could prove her undoing—since the story of a lifetime might just be Robin King, a ruthless scoundrel, who she swore would never break her heart again. 

Making New England Olde again 
Together, they must overcome their differences to save their hometown from thieves and corruption. And they’d better do it before someone gets killed. As danger lurks closer, legend becomes life, and Robin’s feelings for Marian deepen as he struggles with sharing the secrets that could clear his name and ruin his sister. 

My thoughts: All is not well in Merry New England. Robin has taken the fall for embezzlement to protect someone he loves. He does his time for four years in prison until his Grandfather's retirement celebration gives him an early release.

He comes home to try to figure out how to win back the trust of his home town and the regard of the fair Maid Marian. He has his work cut out for him. I enjoyed reading about him and his escapades. He has a few loyal friends and they work to uncover who the bad guy really is.

Stephanie Fowers did a great job at surprising me with some of the characters. They did things that I was not expecting. She had written an adventure with suspense and romance. I loved the parallels with this contemporary story to the original tales of Robin Hood.

This book is clean with non-graphic violence and kissing.

This book is available for Kindle Unlimited.

Stephanie FowersAbout the Author:  (Taken from Goodreads)  Stephanie Fowers loves bringing stories to life, and depending on her latest madcap ideas will do it through written word, song, and/ or film. She absolutely adores Bollywood and bonnet movies; i.e., BBC (which she supposes includes non-bonnet movies Sherlock and Dr. Who). Presently, she lives in Salt Lake where she's living the life of the starving artist. Stephanie plans to bring more of her novels out to greet the light of day. Be sure to watch for her upcoming books, including YA fantasy, science fiction, mysteries, steampunk, regency Greek fantasy, and more--many more--romantic comedies in her line of sweet romances called "Hopeless Romantics." May the adventures begin.

Visit her WEBPAGE.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Tour Grand Finale ~ DawnSinger by Janalyn Voigt #Giveaway #DSPrismTour

On Tour with Prism Book Tours

Book Tour Grand Finale for
By Janalyn Voigt

We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops
you'll find snippets, as well as the link to each full post, below:

Launch - Note from the Author

Dear Friends,

Welcome to this book tour of DawnSinger, an epic medieval fantasy adventure. Fantasy will always be my first love, although I’ve become a multi-genre author. That’s a fancy term for a storyteller. If I could turn the clock back to the Middle Ages, I’d be a bard. Author Linda Windsor, an endorser of DawnSinger, named the story bardic fiction. I consider that high praise indeed. . .

Colorimetry - Excerpt

Now for a stormy moment in flight...

A crosswind caught Kai’s wingabeast as lightning flared too near. Shrilling, the winged horse tilted in flight, and Kai’s stomach lurched. A gust snatched the hood from his head and roared in his ears. He blinked to clear the stinging rain that drove into his eyes. Thunder boomed like a timpani, shaking the air. Flecht shuddered beneath him, and Kai placed a calming hand on his wingabeast’s straining neck. He did not like this long flight through the wild night any better than did Flecht.

"DawnSinger is an epic tale that unfurls in a world that is different, yet so familiar. A high fantasy world with flying horses, spirits, and mind magic, Janalyn Voight was able to create a world that is fresh and new in the fantasy genre. . . . Overall, DawnSinger is a satisfying read, and has a subtle message at the end that will leave the reader thinking afterwards."

Heidi Reads... - Excerpt

Shae put up her hood and left the shelter of the stronghold to follow the graystone path. A chill wind rippled through the folds of her cloak, and she shivered. Overhead, clouds unfurled in a pearling sky. She passed into green scented shadow, where notes of damp moss and ripe humus met her.

She shouldn’t have yielded to temptation and escaped into nature unescorted. In earlier days, she had roamed the grounds in freedom with no one caring. She couldn’t get used to the strictures placed on her now that she’d grown older. When would she learn to be more like Katera? She couldn’t remember her winsome twin ever causing their mother concern.

Remembrancy - Review

"Jannalyn [Voigt] vividly paints a picture of her fantasy world with descriptive words and phrases. It’s not challenging to imagine this land filled with wondrous beauty and creatures as well as barren and desolate places. Shae, kai, and a handful of others undertake an epic quest to save their beloved people and king. I enjoyed both of these elements of the story. . . . Now that I’ve gotten the cadence of this mystical, magical world, I’m not ready to leave it yet."

Jessica Belmont - Review

"Epic Christian Fantasy? Yes, please. DawnSinger is an inventive novel with beautifully descriptive prose and dialogue. I absolutely love the imagery and symbolism woven through the book. . . . I highly recommend checking out this original and inspiring novel."

Uplifting Reads - Excerpt

Flecht quivered under Kai’s hand. Shae must have communicated to the beast the tension he read in her face. Why did she stare at the naked branches of the small, white tree? He drew his brows together but didn’t speak. Her eyes, so green they reminded him of deep shadows in an old forest, told him nothing. As she settled the cloak upon her shoulders, burnished tangles cascaded down her back. She looked beautiful and far too grown.

Something had upset Shae—that much seemed obvious. Equally obvious was her desire for privacy in the matter. Well, he didn’t question such things. He already held enough secrets to quell any desire for more.

Bookworm Lisa - Review

"The story is a war between good and evil. Shae is guided by the light of the God she worships. She has companions who will do anything to protect her and keep her from fulfilling an ancient prophecy. There is plenty of action and adventure that will thrill fantasy lovers. . . . I am now invested in the story and look forward to having good prevail."

"The plot shows the draw of evil and the difficulty even the good have of resisting its pull. Voight did an excellent job of creating an alternate universe and having things remain consistent within that world. The book does have a bit of a surprise ending and I look forward to seeing how that surprise plays out in future titles in the Tales of Faeraven series."

He smiled. “Your heart speaks truth. I am a wayfarer…and I am more.” He stroked the tears from her cheeks, feather-light, like the touch of a draft.

“Peace.” The whispered word brought infinite comfort.

Shae closed her eyes and breathed deep.

“Remember, Shae, you must look to the light.”

She opened her eyes, ready to ask how he knew her name.

She knelt alone in the Allerstaed.

JeanBookNerd - Guest Post

Funny how childhood memories embed themselves in your mind, but only parts of them. I can still feel the rough paper as I turned another page in a novel from my parent’s bookcase. A precocious reader, I’d advanced long ago into adult books. I don’t remember this one’s title, but the story followed the journeys of Sir Francis Drake, an early explorer. Specific phrases are lost to me, but the vivid imagery remains. I can still hear the ship’s creaking, bask in sunlight breaking through the clouds, and taste sea salt on my lips. . .

jypsylynn - Review

"I became invested in the outcome because I cared about the characters. I see their quest as allegorical to some biblical tales and symbolic of the eternal good vs. evil battle. . . . The plot is thrilling with action and drama at every turn leaving readers wanting more. Overall, Dawnsinger is a well written adventure steeped in thoughtfully planned fantasy that fans of the genre will surely enjoy."

"DawnSinger is the first book in the series and in true fantasy fashion there is an epic quest, terrible dangers, betrayal, a taste of forbidden love, and even more importantly the story gets darker as the conclusion draws nearer. . . . I enjoyed DawnSinger, its characters and strange creatures, and I look forward to returning to the land of Faeraven in the next book in the series..."

I'm Into Books - Excerpt

Shae landed in Flecht’s saddle with a thump as Kai deposited her with more speed than grace. He bent and then straightened, and she caught the glint of metal.

Kai pressed something into her palm, and her fingers curled around a knife’s hilt. “They’ll need to dismount to attack with swords. I’ll defend you, but if things go badly, take Flecht and follow the weild to the inn. You’ll see it just back from the banks. You can trust the innkeeper.”

Kai strode from her before she could point out that she had no idea how to fly a wingabeast. His sword rasped as he drew it from its sheath.

"Oh wow, I really loved this book! . . . If you love a good fantasy with loads of adventure, then this is the book for you!"

“Only the cold and weariness that comes at such altitudes—and wind shears. But I know the passes well.”

He didn’t mention the possibility of encountering wingabeast riders bent on killing them, but she knew it existed. Even now, the dark riders might track them.

She closed her eyes to pray with zeal but soon fell into the languor of warmth and drowsiness. “My thanks,” she said, her tongue thick with sleep.


“You protected me this night.”

“Sleep, Shae.” She heard the smile in his voice. “Tomorrow’s journey will try our strength.”

"The biggest factor in whether I like a Fantasy book is the world building. Janalyn gets it right. She creates such a beautiful and interesting world. She definitely made the world of Faeraven unique filled with interesting creatures and characters. . . . I really liked Shae and Kai’s characters. I felt that we could relate to them. . . . Overall, I really enjoyed the story. Suspense, murder, drama and action were just around the corner in every chapter. . . . I think this book would also be great for teens as it read more like a YA book. Great for adults and teens alike."

“Kai.” A voice rasped from the carved bed that dominated the room. “You have brought her?”

Shae started. In a combination of weariness and awe of Torindan, she had all but forgotten the purpose of her visit.

The musician came away from the window, and light slanted across him to reveal a lithe figure and features of surpassing beauty. Vibrant hair of gold sprang above a well-formed brow. Fathomless eyes held her. Shae caught her breath, and her hand went out in a blind motion.

Jorie Loves A Story - Spotlight

J. L. Mbewe - Excerpt

A foul wind breathed over Shae, and the hair on the back of her neck raised in warning. A hissing from the broken stairway sent prickles walking over her skin. Eyes gleamed in the shadows, and long shudders traveled her spine.

Somewhere, something shrieked.

Shae stumbled on the stone stair suspended between a dark void and a wall of living stone. She called for Kai, but her voice made no sound. Where was he?

“Find the light and be saved…” The whispered words stirred the air.

"This was a beautifully written Christian fantasy. I enjoyed the bits of scripture thrown into the story, it really made them come alive in a more action-packed way. The writing was interesting and the characters kept me hooked. I also enjoyed the world and different places in the world. . . . Such a fantastic read and can't wait to read that sequel!"

Don't forget to enter the giveaway at the end of this post, if you haven't already...

(Tales of Faeraven #1)
By Janalyn Voigt
Fantasy, Christian Fantasy
Paperback & ebook, 342 Pages
June 29, 2012 by Harbourlight Books

The High Queen is dying...

At the royal summons, Shae mounts a wingabeast and soars through the air to the high hold of Faeraven, where all is not as it seems. Visions warn her of danger, and a dark soul touches hers in the night. When she encounters an attractive but disturbing musician, her wayward heart awakens.

But then there is Kai, a guardian of Faeraven and of Shae. Secrets bind him to her, and her safety lies at the center of every decision he makes.

On a desperate journey fraught with peril and the unknown, they battle warlike garns, waevens, ferocious raptors, and the wraiths of their own regrets. Yet, they must endure the campaign long enough to release the DawnKing and the salvation he offers into a divided land. To prevail, each must learn that sometimes victory comes only through surrender.

About the Author

Janalyn Voigt is a writer and professional speaker with a photography habit and a passion for travel. Her unique blend of adventure, romance, suspense, and fantasy creates worlds of beauty and danger for readers. Tales of Faeraven, her epic fantasy series beginning with DawnSinger, carries readers into a land only imagined in dreams. She is represented by Sarah Joy Freese of Wordserve Literary.

Tour Giveaway

One winner will receive a fantasy-themed basket, hand-painted Pegasus mug, hand-crafted beaded votive candle bowl, dark chocolate bar, and a Tales of Faeraven bookmark (US only)

Ends August 28th, 2019

Grab Our Button!

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

With This Pledge by Tamera Alexader

With This Pledge by Tamera AlexanderWith This Pledge by Tamera Alexander
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Source: Netgalley
Genre: Historical Romance

Book Description On the night of November 30, 1864, a brutal battle in Franklin, Tennessee, all but decimates the Confederacy and nearly kills Captain Roland Ward Jones. A decorated Mississippi sharpshooter, Jones has a vision on the battlefield and, despite the severity of his wounds, believes his life will be spared. But a life without his leg, he can't abide. He compels Elizabeth "Lizzie" Clouston—governess to the McGavock family at the Carnton mansion—to intervene should the surgeon decide to amputate. True to her word, Lizzie speaks on his behalf and saves not only the captain's leg but also his life.

When a fourteen-year-old soldier dies in Lizzie's arms that night, the boy's final words, whispered with urgency, demand that Lizzie deliver them to their intended recipient. But all she has is the boy's first name. And, as she soon discovers, there's no record of him ever having enlisted. How can she set out alone across a land so divided by war and hatred to honor her pledge? Even more, does she dare accept Captain Jones's offer to accompany her? As he coalesces at Carnton, romance has blossomed between him and Lizzie—a woman already betrothed to a man she does not love.

My thoughts: Wow! I am amazed at the depth of this book. You can tell that it was researched and great care was taken to realistically portray the characters in this story. I was further amazed when I read the notes from Tamera Alexander that the characters were real people. Often in historical fiction, events surrounding the central story are real, but the characters are fictional. This information made me love the story even more.

The book takes place during a pivotal and tragic part of the Civil War. My heart ached for the soldiers and their families that lost their lives in Franklin, Tennessee. The images that I was able to picture from the author's descriptions were vivid and horrifying. It is a reminder of the brutality of war.

This book wasn't only about the loss of life. It is a book of hope. Hope for a better future for the characters, particularly the slaves. The author is able to portray the ideals of the time without prejudice. I love her writing for this fact. It was a volatile time for the United States. The war was won, but there are still social issues that have been hard to weed out of our society. She tells the story and shows how God loves His children, faults and all.

If you love historical romance, this book is a winner. I cannot give it a high enough recommendation.

Source: I requested a copy from Netgalley. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.

Tamera Alexander
About the Author: (Taken from Goodreads)   Tamera Alexander is a USA Today bestselling author and one of today's most popular writers in the inspirational historical fiction genre. She and her husband live in Nashville, Tennessee, not far from the Southern mansions that serve as the backdrop for six of her award-winning novels.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

DawnSinger by Janalyn Voigt (Blog Tour with a #giveaway) #DSPrismTour

On Tour with Prism Book Tours

(Tales of Faeraven #1)
By Janalyn Voigt
Fantasy, Christian Fantasy
Paperback & ebook, 342 Pages
June 29, 2012 by Harbourlight Books

The High Queen is dying...

At the royal summons, Shae mounts a wingabeast and soars through the air to the high hold of Faeraven, where all is not as it seems. Visions warn her of danger, and a dark soul touches hers in the night. When she encounters an attractive but disturbing musician, her wayward heart awakens.

But then there is Kai, a guardian of Faeraven and of Shae. Secrets bind him to her, and her safety lies at the center of every decision he makes.

On a desperate journey fraught with peril and the unknown, they battle warlike garns, waevens, ferocious raptors, and the wraiths of their own regrets. Yet, they must endure the campaign long enough to release the DawnKing and the salvation he offers into a divided land. To prevail, each must learn that sometimes victory comes only through surrender.

My thoughts: This story was hard for me to get into.  It is set in a fantasy realm and has unfamiliar terms, creatures,  and history.  I'm glad that I slogged through the beginning because it was a story that I enjoyed in the end.  (I was reading a kindle edition and did not know there was a glossary at the end.)

Shae, Kai, and crew embark upon an epic journey to save their homes and loved ones. The book has some surprises for the reader.  There are aspects that I didn't expect and that was refreshing for me.  Janalyn Voigt has written a book full of imagination and adventure.

The story is a war between good and evil.  Shae is guided by the light of the God she worships.  She has companions who will do anything to protect her and keep her from fulfilling an ancient prophecy.  There is plenty of action and adventure that will thrill fantasy lovers.

The book contains non-graphic violence and kissing.  The romance is a little awkward, but once you think on the circumstances, it's not so weird after all.  (It would be a spoiler if I said anything more.)  This book is available for kindle unlimited.   I have put the second book on my kindle unlimited reading list.  I am now invested in the story and look forward to having good prevail.

Rating: 3.5 of 5 stars

About the Author

Janalyn Voigt is a writer and professional speaker with a photography habit and a passion for travel. Her unique blend of adventure, romance, suspense, and fantasy creates worlds of beauty and danger for readers. Tales of Faeraven, her epic fantasy series beginning with DawnSinger, carries readers into a land only imagined in dreams. She is represented by Sarah Joy Freese of Wordserve Literary.

Tour Schedule

Tour Giveaway

One winner will receive a fantasy-themed basket, hand-painted Pegasus mug, hand-crafted beaded votive candle bowl, dark chocolate bar, and a Tales of Faeraven bookmark (US only)

Ends August 28th, 2019

Grab Our Button!

Friday, August 16, 2019

A Return of Devotion by Kristi Ann Hunter

A Return of Devotion (Haven Manor, #2)A Return of Devotion by Kristi Ann Hunter
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Source: Netgalley
Genre: Regency Christian Romance

Book Description:  Daphne Blakemoor was content living in her own secluded world for the last twelve years. She had everything she needed—loved ones, a true home, and time to indulge her imagination. But when ownership of the estate where she works as a housekeeper passes to a new marquis with an undeniable connection to her past, everything she's come to rely upon is threatened.

William, Marquis of Chemsford's main goal in life is to be the exact opposite of his father. Starting a new life in the peace and quiet of the country sounds perfect . . . until his housekeeper turns his life upside down.

Both Daphne and William have spent their lives hiding from the past. Can they find the courage to face their deepest wounds and, perhaps, forge a new path for the future together?

My thoughts: I don't know what took me so long to get around to reading this book. I loved A Defense of Honor. This book picks up where the first left off. The ladies of Haven Manor are amazing. They put aside their hopes and dreams to help women/children have a better life without the stigma of illegitimacy.

Daphne makes me laugh. She ran a home for children for years and struggles to be a respectable housekeeper when the rightful owner moves in. She is awkward and does not know what to do when he arrives at the front door. William had every right to be concerned, but a quirky housekeeper grew on him.

This book has many funny and lighthearted moments but carries a weighty message. Daphne lost her family and reputation (Kit too) because of a mistake. We aren't meant to eternally suffer for mistakes. Finding love, acceptance, and support made a huge difference. Forgiveness of oneself, family, and from God make life infinitely better.

I anxiously await the next installment in this series.

Source: I requested a copy via Netgalley. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.

Online Purchase Links:

Kristi Ann HunterAbout the Author: (Taken from Goodreads)  Kristi Ann Hunter graduated from Georgia Tech with a degree in Computer Science but always knew she wanted to write. Kristi is an RWA Golden Heart contest winner, an ACFW Genesis contest winner, and a Georgia Romance Writers Maggie Award for Excellence winner. She lives with her husband and three children in Georgia. Find her online at

Monday, August 12, 2019

It's the tour Grand Finale for "Love and Other Mistakes" #LOMPrismTour

On Tour with Prism Book Tours

Book Tour Grand Finale for
Love and Other Mistakes
By Jessica Kate

We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops, including the Q&A at
each stop of the tour, you'll find snippets, as well as the link to each full post, below:

"I liked sooooo very much about this book. I found myself literally LOL-ing at times, to the startled reactions of those around me (on the train or at the nail salon). The author is downright hilarious, and I appreciated how she incorporated humor into some very serious topics."

Describe your book in 25 words or less.

To land her dream internship, a woman must nanny her ex-fiancé’s infant son and deal with his troubled teenage niece.

(I have five words left, so–) sassy, love/hate, comedy, drama.

"Jessica Kate has written a novel that many teens can relate to. On one level it is about relationships and forgiveness. On another level it is about God’s love for us even when we think no one loves us and the people who should care the most about us fail. . . . I would not hesitate to add this to my K-12 Christian school library. It is appropriate for high school age and adults."

"This is a delightfully, entertaining novel addressing the topics of love, betrayal, facing problematic situations, forgiveness and other Christian ethics."

Did you have a favorite character in this novel and who is it?

Jessica: This is a weird answer, but NICK! I know, he’s not a main character, but this teen math nerd has a Nirvana T-shirt, knows how to hot wire a car, and raises baby chickens as a surprise to cheer up his mother. He’s such a sweetie pie!

Bookworm Lisa - Review

"I really enjoyed this story of love, forgiveness, loss, and compassion. The characters are complicated and the author does a great job of describing them, how they are feeling, and moving them forward in a positive way. . . . I appreciated how they came back to their faith and trusted God to help see them through."

SLB: What inspired the idea for this story?

Jessica Kate: ​Complicated answer! The actual plot – entirely fictional. But the emotional journeys? I started writing this book at 22, working a job that didn’t lead anywhere, single, and unsure where I fit in life. I felt like I was missing out on my purpose—and so did my main character, Natalie.

"For a debut novel I thought that one was pretty impressive and I liked that author had characters from various age groups and blended them perfectly within the pages of this book. A story of family and friends and how at times we have to make sacrifices to help not only your loved ones but those who are need of help. too. . . . Overall this storyline is much more tender than I thought it would be and that's just fine with me. I like the writing of Jessica Kate and I will read more of her work."

Radiant Light - Review

"This book met all the things I adore in an inspirational rom-com. Jessica Kate handles tough subjects and real relationships well. The inspirational thread is woven throughout the book like a beautiful ribbon. I highly recommend this book."

"It was dramatic narrative interwoven with romance, forgiveness and sense of family. It was interesting to read about the challenges in Natalie, Jem and Lilli's lives and how they overcome their hardships and past. I would recommend reading it."

"In the midst of all the drama and heavy issues was just the right amount of humor to keep it a lighter and more entertaining read. . . . I personally really enjoyed it. It was still clean, just more real. As such, I could see that it could appeal also to a wider audience who might not generally prefer Christian fiction as well. This is a great, quick read that I would certainly recommend, and I cannot wait to see what Jessica Kate has in store for us next!"

I'm Into Books - Spotlight

Q. Do you write full time or do you also have another job outside of being a wonderful author?

A. I work full-time as a training developer at a small bank. It’s fun getting to use my creativity in a team context, especially when we make training videos. I like to pretend I’m Steven Spielberg 😉

Backing Books - Review

"I do think that this is a really good read. Natalie and Jem are an adorable couple, taking care of an adorable baby, and Lili is an amazingly relatable teenager. And the heavy, emotional scenes are balanced well with lighthearted moments that show the brighter side of life. There were a few moments which seemed unrealistic, but those played more into the comedic side of the story, making them easier to roll with."

Among the Reads - Spotlight

Jessica, what would you like your readers to take away from Love and Other Mistakes?

Hope! Life, family and love can all be messy and scary—but God is bigger than the mess and brings us love and joy!

Uplifting Reads - Review

"There is a lot going on in this story! . . . In a way, these problems almost made the story seem a bit more realistic, because we often get plagued with multiple life events that cause stress and chaos. Life is not pretty; it is messy. . . . I also want to point out that while this is listed as a Christian contemporary romance, you are not going to have Christianity shoved down your throat. To me it was more of a way at looking at how even Christians do not have perfect lives. But these people are, at the same time, using their faith to help them through. . . . So I think readers who are not necessarily interested in Christian romances would also enjoy this one."

Wishful Endings - Spotlight

What is one piece of advice your character, Natalie, would give us about love?

Natalie at the start of the book would bark a slightly bitter laugh and shrug, then change the subject.

Natalie at the end of the book would say that if you don’t understand how God loves you (and that your value has nothing to do with your good works or mistakes), then it’ll make your relationships much harder.

It’s when you get that clear understanding from God about your own value, then that love can more easily spill over to others.

"Natalie Groves has big dreams and hopes but, when her fiancé, Jeremy Walters, suddenly breaks up with her, she felt lost. Her father was then diagnosed with cancer, which left Natalie struggling to keep her family afloat while nursing her broken heart. With her grand plans in the rearview mirror, Natalie's relationship with God is also stilted. . . . Overall, I think it's a decent read for young adults."

"This was a good debut novel! I loved the author's writing style and voice! . . . I don't often remember quotes or make note of them, but this one really stood out to me and touched my heart. "The truth is you are far more than a job, a ministry, or even a calling. You are a person created and saved by God, no matter what your job is or what you do in life."

Overall, this is a good story."

1)What inspired you to first start writing this book?

The original seed of an idea was a story about a man and a woman who were raising a kid, but they weren’t a couple. From that I got the idea of Natalie nannying her ex-fiancé's son and it all grew from there!

I adore love/hate stories, so the idea of ex’s having to work together is one I find endlessly entertaining! :D

Splashes of Joy - Review

"This is a nice and interesting read. There is a lot going on in this story. . . . The author handles each situation going on in the story really well. . . . Overall, this debut novel is pretty good. It’s fun to read, and will keep you entertained for quite a few hours. I really think the younger generation would love this book, as in late teens and early 20’s."

"Love and Other Mistakes is a good read. It has some cute, fun, and delightful moments that made me laugh out loud. There were some tearing up moments that made me want to grab the tissues. . . . I believe it is worth a read."

Love and Other Mistakes
By Jessica Kate
Christian Contemporary Romance
Paperback, Audiobook & ebook, 352 Pages
July 30th 2019 by Thomas Nelson

Jessica Kate’s hilarious, romantic debut novel proves that some mistakes—including love—are begging to be made again and again.

Natalie Groves once had big dreams. But soon after her fiancé, Jeremy Walters, inexplicably broke off their engagement and left town, her father was diagnosed with cancer. Now tasked with keeping her family afloat, Natalie’s grand plans have evaporated . . . and God feels very far away.

Fast-forward seven years, and Jeremy is back in Charlottesville with an infant son and years of regrets. When his niece, Lili, lands on his doorstep in need of a place to stay, Jeremy needs help—and fast.

An internship opening finally presents Natalie a chance at her dream job, but she needs a second income to work around it—and the only offer available is Jeremy’s. They could be the solutions to one another’s problems, provided they don’t kill each other in the process. When they join forces, sparks fly. But they both know there’s a thin line between love and hate . . . and that love will turn out to be the best decision—or the biggest mistake—of all.

Praise for the Book

“A stunning debut . . . This tale of love and redemption will stay with you long after you've closed the book. A must-read.” —Rachel Hauck, New York Times bestselling author of The Wedding Dress

“Witty. Charming. Heartfelt. I could go on and on about Jessica Kate’s debut novel. From its highly relatable characters to its pitch-perfect dialogue, Love and Other Mistakes is a delightful, romantic read filled with just the right amount of sass. I lost count of the number of times I laughed out loud as I watched Natalie and Jem navigate their relationships, careers, and faith. Definitely one of the most enjoyable books I've read lately, and I can't wait to see what’s next from Jessica Kate!” —Melissa Tagg, Carol Award–winning author of Now and Then and Always and the Walker Family series

Love and Other Mistakes wraps a poignant and warm look at relationships within a smart, sly, and knowing comedic voice. Readers of Sally Thorne and Bethany Turner will be immediately at home with Natalie: an all-too-real heroine who balances whip-smart agency with an endearing vulnerability and whose intersection with long-lost Jeremy helps her forge a path to confidence and discover the woman she was always meant to be. Kate’s unputdownable debut recognizes that all human relationships—familial, friendship, romantic—are worth the keen eye and clever insight of her talented pen.” —Rachel McMillan, author of the Van Buren and DeLuca Mysteries

“If you’re looking for a story with sass on top of style, or a fresh voice pumped full of fun, you need to read Love and Other Mistakes. Then after you’ve enjoyed this—and I’m confident you will—make a date with whatever this exciting new author writes next!” —David Rawlings, author of The Baggage Handler

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About the Author

Australian author Jessica Kate is obsessed with sassy romances. 

She packs her novels with love, hate, and everything in between—and then nerds out over her favorite books, movies and TV in the StoryNerds podcast. When she’s not writing or discussing fiction, she’s hunting the world for the greatest pasta in existence.

Her debut novel Love and Other Mistakes releases July 2019, while A Girl’s Guide to the Outback hits shelves in January 2020.

Receive her sassy short The Kiss Dare FREE when you sign up for her newsletter at StoryNerds podcast is available on Spotify and Apple Podcasts and at

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Thursday, August 8, 2019

A Lady in the Coppergate Tower by Nancy Campbell Allen

The Lady in the Coppergate Tower by Nancy Campbell AllenThe Lady in the Coppergate Tower by Nancy Campbell Allen
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Source: Received to Review
Genre: Steampunk/Paranormal Romance

Book Description Hazel Hughes has spent her life believing she is a Medium—someone who can talk to ghosts. But as of yet, that skill has remained frustratingly elusive. She is also suffering from a reoccurring childhood dream of someone who looks almost exactly like Hazel, but this dream version of herself is slowly going mad.

Sam MacInnes is a talented surgeon who runs in the highest social circles thanks to his family’s position and history. When Sam hires Hazel to assist him with his medical practice, he is immediately drawn to her intelligence, wit, and beauty.

Their potential relationship is derailed one evening when a mysterious count arrives in London and reveals to Hazel the truth about her past: she was abducted at birth and her twin sister has fallen dangerously ill.

Hazel agrees to travel to Romania with Count Petrescu in order to save her sister, and Sam insists on accompanying her. The count has secrets, though, and the journey grows more sinister with every mile that draws Hazel closer to her homeland. Even as her feelings for Sam become deeper and more complicated, she fears she might not survive the quest to save her sister with her heart intact, not to mention her life. She must learn to draw on gifts she doesn’t know she has if they are going to ever return home again.
Hazel and Sam must fight their way past dark magic, clockwork beasts, and their own insecurities as they try to reach her sister in the impenetrable Coppergate Tower before time runs out.

My thoughts: Smiling! I am smiling as I finish this book. I love a book that satisfies my desire for a good story. This book had characters that I couldn't help but like. It had mystery, conflict, and romance.

Hazel grew up thinking that she was an only child. She is smart, inquisitive, and proficient at her job. She is a healer working with Dr. Sam MacInnes. She has admired him for a long time and is pleased when he offers to accompany her on a journey to find the sister that she just found out she had. Her Uncle is shrouded in mystery. There is something that isn't quite right about him. Having Sam with her adds a level of comfort.

The mystery surrounding her Uncle is well written. I couldn't quite piece together all of the clues and figure out what he was about for most of the book. Hazel's sister, Marit, is introduced as snippets in Hazel's dreams. Hazel knows there is something wrong with her sister's situation and is determined to free and heal her broken mind.

This book has everything that I enjoy. I loved the Steampunk and paranormal aspect of the book. It was present without being overwhelming. Nancy Campbell Allen does a wonderful job at giving the right amount of information in increments to keep the interest of the reader

This book contains non-graphic violence and kissing.

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Nancy Campbell AllenAbout the Author:  (Taken from Deseret Book)  Nancy Campbell Allen (N.C. Allen) is the author of fifteen published novels and numerous novellas, which span genres from contemporary romantic suspense to historical fiction. In 2006, her work won the Utah Best of State award, and she received a Whitney Award for My Fair Gentleman. She has presented at numerous writing conferences and events since her first book was released in 1999. Nancy received a BS in Elementary Education from Weber State University. She loves to read, write, travel, and research, and enjoys spending time laughing with family and friends. She is married and the mother of three children. Visit her at

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Suffering the Scot by Nichole Van

Suffering the Scot (Brotherhood of the Black Tartan #1)Suffering the Scot by Nichole Van
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Source: Received to Review
Genre: Historical Romance

Book Description:  Lady Jane Everard cannot abide the new Earl of Hadley. The unmannered Scot is a menace to genteel ladies everywhere, what with his booming laugh and swishing kilt and endless supply of ‘ochs’ and ‘ayes.’ Jane wishes Lord Hadley would behave as an earl should and adhere to English rules of polite conduct. 

Andrew Langston, the new Earl of Hadley, knows that the English aristocracy think poorly of his lowly Scottish upbringing. This is hardly new. History is littered with the English assuming the worst about Scotland. By living up to their lowest expectations, he is simply fulfilling his civic duty as a Scotsman. 

Jane sees Andrew as an unmannered eejit. Andrew considers Jane to be a haughty English lady. But, as the saying goes, . . . opposites attract. 

And what if beneath his boisterous behavior and her chilly reserve, Andrew and Jane are not nearly as different as they suppose? Can Scotland and England reach a harmonious union at last? 

My thoughts: When I want to read and not put down a book it is a five-star rating for me. Dirty dishes can wait!

Andrew has just come into his inheritance. Now he has to deal with an unfriendly extended family and put some English Lord's in their place. The way he and his friends go about it is entertaining. They choose to give a show of the misconceptions of Scottish behavior. There were many moments that had me laughing.

While some parts of the book are lighthearted there is a very serious side to the characters. Andrew and his Scottish friends are determined to discover who is behind the death of their friend and sabotaging what should have been a scientific discovery voyage for them. His inheritance in England is fortuitous for them. It gives them a "home base" to investigate. I was shocked at the discovery of the perpetrator. Nichole Van does a very fantastic job at laying the groundwork for the big reveal. The way she handles the incident is exemplary.

This book is not only a book about revenge, but it is also a love story. Jane has been told to live her life as a lady should. Her family suppresses who she is and force her to be who they want her to be. Andrew sees her potential and encourages her to be her true self. In the process, love blooms.

This is a book that is well written and a delight to read.

This book is available for Kindle Unlimited!

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

A Lady's Maid by Jen Geigle Johnson ~ Blog Tour with a #giveaway!

A Lady's Maid by Jen Geigle JohnsonA Lady's Maid by Jen Geigle Johnson
My rating: 4.5 of 5 stars
Source: Received to Review
Genre: Regency Historical Fiction

Book Description:  Molly O’Malley, lady’s maid to the progressive Lady Amanda Halloway, is determined to continue the life’s work of her lost love, killed in the Peterloo Massacre. But when her efforts and a trip to Lady Halloway’s charitable orphanage culminate in her own abduction, Molly’s eyes are opened to the horrifying crimes transpiring in the city’s slums. Despite the risks, she broadens her mission and is drawn ever closer to the peril all around them. 
Thomas Flaherty, a footman in the Halloway household, has been with Molly from the beginning, but he fears she will never trust him with her heart. Even though her cause and happiness are of foremost importance to him, his loyal patience is tested by the fears that keep her at a distance. But with their safety on the line, Thomas is resolved to sacrifice everything for the woman he loves. 
Risking their lives and their love, Molly and Thomas and a team of nobles on their side will stop at nothing to empower the powerless, no matter the personal cost.

My thoughts: I am in awe of the women who worked to give us the rights that we have today. This book centers on characters who fought for women's suffrage.

Molly is a lady's maid to a forward-thinking lady. She is given leave to work on a cause both she and her mistress believe in. Amanda Halloway is the MC in The Nobleman's Daughter. (Another book that I highly recommend.) The Lady and her maid make a formidable team.

The characters are wonderful. I enjoyed all of them and their role in the book, with the exception of a very bad man, but even he had an important place in the story. This book really brings out the fight for women to vote and the work that was done to accomplish this goal many years before it became a reality. Not only does this book deal with sufferage, but it also opened my eyes to the working conditions of children in factories and the plight of the poor in Regency England.

If you love historical fiction and to learn while you are reading a well thought out and researched book, you should definitely pick this one up. The characters and plot are engaging. It is entertaining while informative. There is suspense, political intrigue, danger, and romance all put together nicely in one package.

This book contains non-graphic violence, innuendo, mild descriptions of women forced to work in a brothel, child endangerment, and romance.

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Enter the Tour Giveaway!
(Winner notification and prize will be provided by Covenant Communications.)

Jen Geigle JohnsonAbout the Author: (Taken from Goodreads)   Jen Geigle Johnson once greeted an ancient turtle under the water by grabbing her fin. Other vital things to know: the sound a water-ski makes on glassy water and how to fall down steep moguls with grace. No mountain is too steep for her to climb, yet. During a study break date in college, she sat on top of a jeep's roll bars up in the mountains and fell in love. She discovered her passion for England while kayaking on the Thames near London as a young teenager. 

Now an award-winning author and mother of six, she loves to share bits of history that might otherwise be forgotten. Whether in Regency England, the French Revolution, or Colonial America, her romance novels are much like life is supposed to be: full of adventure. She is a member of the RWA, the SCBWI, and LDStorymakers. She is also the chair of the Lonestar.Ink writing conference.

Friday, August 2, 2019

Storm Rising by Ronie Kendig

Storm Rising (Book of the Wars, #1)Storm Rising by Ronie Kendig
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Source: Received to Review
Genre: Christian Action/Suspense

Book Description:  Once lost to history, the Book of the Wars has resurfaced, and its pages hold ancient secrets and dangers. Former Navy SEAL Leif Metcalfe has been tasked with capturing the ancient text, but a Bulgarian operative snatches it, determined to secure her freedom. When a series of strange storms erupt, they must form an alliance to thwart impending disaster.

My thoughts:  This is the first book of Ronie Kendig's that I have read. I felt a little lost at first like I was missing parts of the story. In reading other reviews they state that this book has characters from other series. That may have helped during the first part of the story but it did not stop me from getting engaged and following along well later.

This book had many elements that I enjoy. I enjoy a good action/adventure. This book had that and more. I loved the biblical day references and the fictional "Book of Wars". There was romance, super-soldiers, assassins, and redemption. This will not be the last book of the author's that I read.

This book pulled me in and kept me reading. I wanted to see how it would play out. Would Leif be able to pull his team through a stormy sea, tread through a minefield, or save the day and the child?

I received a complimentary copy of the book. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own. This book does contain violence. It is set during a war, a war between good and evil.

Online Purchase Links:

Ronie Kendig
About the Author:  (Taken from Goodreads)  Ronie Kendig is an award-winning, bestselling author who grew up an Army brat. She married her own hunky hero, who’s an Army veteran. After twenty-plus years of marriage, she and her husband have a full life with four children and a retired military working dog. Ronie’s degree in psychology has helped her pen novels of raw, broken characters. 

Since launching onto the publishing scene, Ronie’s Rapid-Fire Fiction has hit the CBA Bestseller List, won the prestigious Christy Award, the RT Reviewers' Choice Award, the HOLT Medallion, IRCA, FamilyFiction’s Readers’ Choice Awards, as well as being named an RT Book of the Year Nominee. 

Ronie loves people and helping other writers through speaking, workshops, and/or mentoring. Find Ronie at, on Facebook ( , Twitter (@roniekendig), GoodReads, and Instagram.