Thursday, August 2, 2018

The Gentleman Physician by Sally Britton is part of Great Summer Reads~ enter the giveaway!

"Sally Britton is sixth generation Texan, received her BA in English from Brigham Young University, and reads voraciously. She started her writing journey at the tender age of fourteen on an electric typewriter, and she’s never looked back.

Sally lives in Arizona with her husband, four children, and their dog. She loves researching, hiking, and eating too much chocolate."

“I didn’t really understand what love was. 
I didn’t know what it meant, that I should’ve fought harder for it.”

Banished from home by her angry father, Julia Devon travels to Bath to fulfill her role as family spinster by assisting her cousin, Lady Macon, in caring for her dying husband.

Nathaniel Hastings’s life runs in a predictable pattern, until a routine visit to one of his ailing patients brings him face to face with Julia, the woman who broke his heart five years before in London.

Julia and Nathaniel find themselves unlikely allies as they work together to tend to the family’s needs, fend off Lady Macon’s scheming brother-in-law, and avoid confronting the pain of their shared past. But could this accidental meeting be their second chance at love?"

Author Interview:

1.      What is your favorite book that is not yours?
My FAVORITE book is probably The Princess Bride by William Goldman 

2.      Do you write in multiple genres? Which genre is your favorite to write?
At the moment, I'm only writing regency novels, but I plan to put out a Western Romance series and possibly a heist trilogy. They're all fun to write, but any story I dream up always has a huge element of romance involved. So romance is my favorite. 

3.      How young were you when you started writing?
The first story I remember writing, I was about fourteen years old. But I was making up stories and telling them to my sisters at bedtime long before then. 

4.      If you could meet any author, past or present, who would it be and why?
I would love to meet L. M. Montgomery. She wrote the Anne of Green Gables series, and The Blue Castle. Those books were such a huge part of my childhood and my desire to be a writer. I felt like Anne most of the time, too. I used big words, I was smart but smart wasn't always good. I'd just love to chat with her about how much her books meant to me and find out more about her

5.      How long does it take you to write a book, and what was your fastest book to write?
I can write a 60,000 word novel in a month. I'm more comfortable with a 6-8 week timeline, though. The fastest book I ever wrote is actually out in the world, His Bluestocking Bride. I wrote it in a month, but it took me a few weeks to clean it up after that rush job. And I put it off for almost a year. 

6.      What is your favorite thing to do in the summertime?

My FAVORITE thing to do in the summer is lay around and be lazy! Isn't that awful? But the year is always so busy and full. I like slowing life down, relaxing, making lots of trips to the library and the pool. 

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