My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Genre: Children's Picture Book
Source: Received from LDSBA (LDS Booksellers Association)
Book Description: Filthy Frannie is a messy girl. She loses everything until one day she discovers that keeping things neat and tidy not only helps her find what she needs but brings a surprise treat when she is going to bed.
My thoughts: This book has a wonderful message. I think it is a lesson that all parents struggle to teach children, clean up after yourself! I know we struggle with this one on a daily basis at my home. I can usually find a child by following their trail.
Frannie learns an important lesson, if you want to find the things you need, make sure you put them away. That way you will always know where to find it.
The illustrations are simple and look like they could be crayon. This is the kind of artwork that kids will appreciate.
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